Research & Consultancy
There is adequate facility for research work leading to Ph.D. degree and consultancy services to industries in the department. The department is well equipped with setups, equipment and software in the area of Advanced Manufacturing, Non-traditional Machining, Robotics and Virtual Manufacturing such as:
- Metal Cutting
- Sheet Material Forming
- Laser Spot Welding
- Friction Stir Welding
- Abrasive Jet Machining
- Ultrasonic Machining
- Electro chemical Machining
- Electro discharge Machining
- Laser Machining
- Coordinate measuring Machine
- Factory Floor Simulation
- Robotic (ARISTO & SCARA)
- Flexible manufacturing system
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) Simulation
- 3D Printer
- 3D Scanner
- RFDA analyzer
- Solidification, Micro-structural and Mechanical Properties of Light Weight Alloys
- Semi-solid Processing, Electronics Cooling, Materials Modelling
- Machinability Study, Cutting Tool Technology, Green Sustainable Manufacturing
- Tool Condition Monitoring, Machining of Polymer Composites
- Friction Stir Processing, Laser Spot welding of dissimilar materials
- Analysis of MRR through mathematical and statistical modeling in AJM
- Analysis of MRR, surface roughness, tool wear in USM
- Analysis of MRR in ECM for Orthotic and Prosthetic Components
- Thermal and tool wear analysis, crack propagation in EDM surfaces
- Analysis of eroded crater formed under growing plasma channel in EDM
- Thermal analysis and study of drill hole contour, surface damage (HAZ) in Nd-YAG laser
- Micromachining, Rapid Prototyping
- Application of soft computing techniques in FMS scheduling
- Application of TOC in product mix problems
- Simulation and modeling using Robotics and Factory Floor software tools
- Dynamic analysis of beam/plate using finite element analysis
- Design, Fabrication, characterization and analysis of advanced materials (Composite Materials, Functional Graded Materials, Shape Memory Alloy, PZT, CNT, etc.)
- Fabrication & characterization of natural fibre reinforced nano-composites.
- Numerical/Experimental nonlinear mechanical responses
- Vibro-acoustic Analysis of Laminated/Smart Structures
- Solar Thermal Energy, Fuel cells
- Dynamics study of UAV
- Solar powered vehicle