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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology

Lecture Notes

S.N. Programme Semester Name of Subject Subject Code Download
1 B. Tech/M. Tech 7th/1st Rapid Protototyping PE 15-025
2 B.Tech 7th Non-Traditional Machining (NTM) BMS 401
3 B.Tech Maintenance Engineering & Management BPE 412
4 B.Tech 6th Theory Of Metal Forming BPE 309
5 B.Tech Automation and Numerical Control Machines (ANCM)
6 B.Tech. 7th Principle of Machine Tools BPE 403
7 B.Tech 5th Theory of Metal Cutting BPE 301
8 B.Tech 5th Materials Engineering & Metallurgy (MEM) BPE 402
9 B.Tech 7th Computer integrated Manufacturing BMS 406
10 B.Tech 7th Advanced casting and welding BMS 405