ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology

Lesson Plan

S.N. Programme Semester Name of Subject Subject Code Download
1 M.Tech 1st Rapid Manufacturing Processes MMSPE101
2 M.Tech 1st Manufacturing System Models MPEMS101
3 M.Tech 1st Advanced Maintenance Engineering MMSPE105
4 M.Tech 2nd Enterprise resource planning MMSPE205
5 M.Tech 3rd Finite Element Analysis in Manufacturing MMSPE301
6 B.Tech 8th Robotics & Flexible Manufacturing Systems BPEPE801
7 B.Tech 8th Quality Assurance & Reliability BPEPE804
8 B.Tech 8th Rapid Prototyping & Tooling BPEPE805
9 B.Tech 8th Computer Integrated Manufacturing BPEPE806
10 B.Tech 7th Automation and NC Machine BPE07001
11 B.Tech 7th Non-Traditional Machining BPE07002
12 B.Tech 7th Project Management BPEOE703
13 B.Tech 6th Theory of Metal Forming BPE06001
14 B.Tech 6th Principle of Machine Tools BPE06002
15 B.Tech 6th Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Power Engineering BPEPE601
16 B.Tech 6th Manufacturing & Design of Composites BPEPE602
17 B.Tech 6th Statistical Methods and Design of Experiments BPEPE605
18 B.Tech 6th Finite Element Method in Manufacturing BPEPE606
19 B.Tech 6th Production and Operation Management BPEPE607/ BPEOE602
20 B.Tech 5th Design of Machine Elements BPE05001
21 B.Tech 5th Inspection and Metrology BPE05002
22 B.Tech 5th Tool Design BPE05003
23 B.Tech 5th Advanced Casting & Welding BPEPE502
24 B.Tech 5th Maintenance Engineering & Management BPEPE505/BPEOE501
25 B.Tech 5th Mechatronics BPEOE503
26 B.Tech 4th Theory of Machine BPE04001
27 B.Tech 4th Strength of Materials BPE04002
28 B.Tech 4th Theory of Metal Cutting BPE04003
29 B.Tech 3rd Thermodynamics BPE03001
30 B.Tech 3rd Materials Engineering & Metallurgy (MEM) BPE03002
31 B.Tech 3rd Basic Manufacturing Processes BPE03003