ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Dr. Nirmal Kumar Kund

Associate Professor

Qualification : Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering) (IISc Bangalore), M.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) (IISc Bangalore), B.Tech.(Hons) (Mechanical Engineering) (IGIT Sarang)

Specialization : Mechanical Sciences

Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering) (IISc Bangalore), M.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) (IISc Bangalore), B.Tech.(Hons) (Mechanical Engineering) (IGIT Sarang)

Mechanical Sciences

20 Years

Graduate Level : Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Materials Science & Engineering, Solidification & Materials Processing, Solid Mechanics, Engineering Thermodynamics, Fluid Power Engineering, Power Plant Engineering, IC Engines & Gas Turbines, Gas Dynamics, Engineering Mechanics, Machine Dynamics, Product Design & Production Tooling, Principles of Machine Tools, Tribology, CFD, FEM.
Post Graduate Level : Advanced Fluid Mechanics, Conduction & Convection Heat Transfer, Advanced Materials Science & Engineering, Advanced Solidification & Materials Processing, Fluid Power Engineering, Modeling & Simulation, Advanced Thermodynamics, Radiative Heat Transfer, Advanced RAC, CFD, FEM.

Alloys & Composites, Casting & Solidification, Semisolid Materials (SSM) Processing, Fabrication & Characterizations, Microstructure & Mechanical Properties, Materials Modeling & Simulation, Electronics Cooling, Solar Thermal Energy, Fuel Cells, Performance Studies (Exergy & Exergetic Efficiency) of Production, Manufacturing, Chemical, Metallurgical, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics & Computer Engineering Systems.

Ph. D. Candidates : 02 (Guided), 02 (Ongoing)

1. Mr. Pabak Mohapatra, Registration No: 1910110003, Title of the Thesis: SSM Processing of Light Weight Metal Alloys Concerning Solidification, Microstructure & Mechanical Properties, University: VSSUT Burla, Date of Award: 03-02-2024, University Notification No. & Date: VSSUT/PGS&R/298/2024 & DT. 10/02/2024.

Web Link: https://www.vssut.ac.in/documents/notice_1707584185.pdf

2. Mr. Sambeet Kumar Sahu, Registration No: 1910110001, Title of the Thesis: Enhancement of Bio-corrosion Resistance of Magnesium Alloy by Hydroxyapatite-based Coating, University: VSSUT Burla, Date of Award: 12-02-2024, University Notification No. & Date: VSSUT/PGS&R/334/2024 & DT. 19/02/2024.

Web Link: https://www.vssut.ac.in/documents/notice_1708426468.pdf

M. Tech. Candidates : 15 (Guided), 01 (Ongoing)
  1. Year 2024: Listed in Top 2% Scientists of World by Stanford University & Elsevier (Besides 3 Others in Career-Long Category). https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/7
  2. Year 2023: Listed in Top 2% Scientists of World by Stanford University & Elsevier (Besides Another in Career-Long Category). https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/6
  3. Year 2022: Listed in Top 2% Scientists of World by Stanford University & Elsevier (Besides Another in Career-Long Category). https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/5 & https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/4
  4. Year 2021: Listed in Top 2% Scientists of World by Stanford University & Elsevier (Besides Another in Career-Long Category). https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/3
  5. Year 2020: Listed in Top 2% Scientists of World by Stanford University & Elsevier (Besides Another in Career-Long Category). https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/2
  6. MHRD Fellowship by Government of India during Ph.D. at IISc Bangalore.
  7. MHRD Fellowship by Government of India during M.Tech. at IISc Bangalore.
  8. First Class Honours in UG [i.e. B.Tech. (Hons) (Mechanical Engineering)].
  9. The Kalinga Scholarship for B.Tech. Course (Professional Graduate Degree) at Government Technical Institute/University.
  10. The Samaja’s Dr. Radhanath Rath Scholarship for B.Tech. Course (Professional Graduate Degree) at Government Technical Institute/University.
  11. The Kalinga Post-Matric Scholarship.
  12. The Samaja’s Dr. Radhanath Rath Post-Matric Scholarship.
Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA): L.M. No. A2273

International Publications

  1. N. K. Kund (Sole Author) (2018), Effect of tilted plate vibration on solidification and microstructural and mechanical properties of semisolid cast and heat-treated A356 Al alloy, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (Springer), Vol. 97, pp. 1617-1626 (Impact Factor: 2.9) (SCI).
  2. N. K. Kund (Sole Author) (2024), Effect of the nozzle diameter and melt velocity at the tundish outlet on solidification along microstructural and mechanical properties of the cooling slope casted AZ91 Mg alloy, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly (Taylor & Francis), Vol. 63, pp. 247-255 (Impact Factor = 1.3) (SCI).
  3. N. K. Kund (Sole Author) (2015), Influence of plate length and plate cooling rate on solidification produced by using oblique plate, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (Elsevier), Vol. 25, pp. 61-71 (Impact Factor: 4.7) (SCI).
  4. N. K. Kund (Sole Author) (2014), Influence of melt pouring temperature and plate inclination on solidification produced by using oblique plate, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (Elsevier), Vol. 24, pp. 3465-3476 (Impact Factor: 4.7) (SCI).
  5. N. K. Kund and P. Dutta (One Co-author) (2016), Numerical study of influence of oblique plate length and cooling rate on solidification and macrosegregation of A356 aluminum alloy melt with experimental comparison, Journal of Alloys and Compounds (Elsevier), Vol. 678, pp. 343-354 (Impact Factor: 5.8) (SCI).
  6. N. K. Kund and P. Dutta (One Co-author) (2015), Numerical study of solidification of A356 aluminum alloy flowing on an oblique plate with experimental validation, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers (Elsevier), Vol. 51, pp. 159-170 (Impact Factor: 5.5) (SCI).
  7. N. K. Kund and P. Dutta (One Co-author) (2010), Numerical simulation of solidification of liquid aluminum alloy flowing on cooling slope, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (Elsevier), Vol. 20, pp. 898-905 (Impact Factor: 4.7) (SCI).
  8. N. K. Kund and P. Dutta (One Co-author) (2012), Scaling analysis of solidification of liquid aluminum alloy flowing on cooling slope, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals (Springer), Vol. 65, pp. 587-594 (Impact Factor: 1.5) (SCI).
  9. P. Mohapatra and N. K. Kund (Sole Co-author) (2022), Impact of ultrasonic power on liquid fraction, microstructure and physical characteristics of A356 alloy molded through cooling slope, Journal of Central South University (Springer), Vol. 29, pp. 1098-1106 (Impact Factor = 3.7) (SCI).
  10. S. K. Sahu and N. K. Kund (Sole Co-author) (2023), Influence of slurry delivery rate and height from cooling slope outlet on solidification and structural behaviors of molded AZ91 magnesium alloy, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C) (Sage), Vol. 237, pp. 1719-1727 (Impact Factor: 1.8) (SCI).

International Conferences

  1. S. K. Sahu, N. K. Kund and Pabak Mohapatra (2023), Experimental investigations on corrosion performance of heat-treated AZ91 Mg alloy, Materials Today: Proceedings (Elsevier), Vol. 74, pp. 1012-1016 (SNIP: 0.805) (SCOPUS).
  2. Pabak Mohapatra, N. K. Kund and S. K. Sahu (2023), Experimental studies on corrosion performance of reheated AZ31 magnesium alloy, Third International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering Research and Development (ICRAMERD), August 12-13, Bhubaneswar, India.
  3. S. K. Sahu, N. K. Kund and Pabak Mohapatra (2023), Experimental study on bio-corrosion behaviour of magnesium alloy using sodium chloride solution, Third International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering Research and Development (ICRAMERD), August 12-13, Bhubaneswar, India.
  4. Pabak Mohapatra, N. K. Kund and S. K. Sahu (2022), Experimental examinations on corrosion behaviour of casted AZ31 magnesium alloy, Third International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering Research and Development (ICRAMERD), August 12-13, Bhubaneswar, India.
  5. N. K. Kund and P. Dutta (2012), Semisolid slurry formation using cooling slope, Fifth International Conference on Solidification Science and Processing (ICSSP5), November 19-22, Bhubaneswar, India.
  6. N. K. Kund and P. Dutta (2010), Solidification of liquid aluminum alloy flowing on cooling slope, Eleventh International Conference on Semisolid Processing of Alloys and Composites (S2P), September 16-18, Beijing, China.
1. "Autonomous solar power plant with dual axis solar track method" Application No. 202231006306, Date of Application: 06-02-2022, Publication Number: 10/2022, Type: Published.
  1. Pabak Mohapatra, N. K. Kund and S. K. Sahu (2023), Experimental studies on corrosion performance of reheated AZ31 magnesium alloy, Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 469- 478 (SCOPUS).
  2. S. K. Sahu, N. K. Kund and Pabak Mohapatra (2023), Experimental study on bio-corrosion behaviour of magnesium alloy using sodium chloride solution, Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 495- 504 (SCOPUS).
Coordinator, Departmental Expert Talks, Production Engineering, VSSUT Burla
1. At VSSUT Burla: Warden, Hostel Vasistha Hall of Residence of VSSUT Burla; Nodal Officer, COVID-19 Isolation Centre of VSSUT Burla; PIC, Central Store & Purchase of VSSUT Burla; Coordinator, Time Table, VSSUT Burla; Coordinator, PG Courses, VSSUT Burla; PIC, CAD Laboratory, VSSUT Burla; PIC, Simulation Laboratory, VSSUT Burla; PIC, Production Engineering Society, VSSUT Burla; Coordinator, Departmental Industrial Visits, VSSUT Burla; Coordinator, Departmental Research Project & Consultancy, VSSUT Burla; Coordinator, PhD Programme, VSSUT Burla; Counsellor, T & P Readiness, VSSUT Burla; Mentor, Students Mentoring, VSSUT Burla; PIC, Metrology Laboratory, VSSUT Burla;Member, Various Committees of VSSUT Burla; Coordinator, Various NBA Related Works of VSSUT Burla; Coordinator, Course Framing of Mechanical & Automation Engineering of VSSUT Burla; Coordinator, Course Framing of Production Engineering of VSSUT Burla.

2. At KIIT University Bhubaneswar (NIRF Rank = 15): PIC, Heat Transfer Laboratory, KIIT University Bhubaneswar; Subject Coordinator, ICEGT, KIIT University Bhubaneswar; Subject Coordinator, Heat Transfer, KIIT University Bhubaneswar; Subject Coordinator, Thermodynamics, KIIT University Bhubaneswar; PIC, Departmental Research & Development, KIIT University Bhubaneswar; Tutor Mentor, KIIT University Bhubaneswar.

3. At SOA University Bhubaneswar (NIRF Rank = 14): HOD, Mechanical Engineering, ITER, SOA University Bhubaneswar; PIC, Heat Transfer Laboratory, ITER, SOA University Bhubaneswar; PIC, Departmental Laboratory Development, ITER, SOA University Bhubaneswar; Coordinator, Course Framing of UG & PG for Mechanical Engineering, ITER, SOA University Bhubaneswar.

4. Additionally, Also Served at Various Capacities in Different Government Institutes/Universities.

Scopus h-index = 20.
In Year 2012 Delivered a Talk at IIT Jodhpur.
In Year 2013 Delivered a Talk at KIIT University Bhubaneswar.
In Year 2016 Delivered a Talk at IIT (BHU) Varanasi.
Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology.
Reviewer of ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications.
Reviewer of Various International Journals from Publishers like Elsevier, Springer, Taylor & Francis, Wiley, Cambridge University Press, Sage, etc.
Executive Session Chairs of Various International & National Conferences, Workshops & Symposia.
In Year 2002 Participated in a Seminar on Topic “Motivation” Conducted by TTTI Calcutta & Sponsored by MHRD, Government of India.
At ITER, SOA University Bhubaneswar Participated in Seminars on Topics “Energy Theft”, “Vision 2020” & “CTTC’s Advanced Manufacturing”.
Served as Member, Board of Studies & Academic Council, ITER, SOA University Bhubaneswar.
Served as Member, Various Committees, ITER, SOA University Bhubaneswar.
Served as Member, Board of Studies & Academic Council, KIIT University Bhubaneswar.
Served as Member, Various Committees, KIIT University Bhubaneswar.
In Years 2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 Participated in FDPs Conducted by KIIT University Bhubaneswar.
In Year 2022 Participated in FDP on Pedagogy at VSSUT Burla.
In Year 2024 Participated and Completed FDP on UHV at VSSUT Burla.
Present Address : 
Department of Production Engineering, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla, Sambalpur-768018, Odisha, India
  Permanent Address : 
S/O: Shri Narayan Kund, At: Udaya Pur, P.O. Sasan, Via: Alva, P.S. Pattamundai, Dist: Kendrapara, Pin-754217, Odisha, India