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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Dr. Kamal Pal

Associate Professor(On Lien)

Qualification : PhD (IIT Kharagpur), M.E (IIEST, Shibpur), B.E (Jadavpur University)

Specialization : Production Engineering

PhD (IIT Kharagpur), M.E (IIEST, Shibpur), B.E (Jadavpur University)

Production Engineering

20 Years Lecturer (SME, KIIT University) 2003-2010 Assistant Professor (SME, KIIT University) 2010-2011 Associate Professor (SME, KIIT University) 2011-2013 Reader (DPE, VSSUT) 2013-2016 Associate Professor (DPE, VSSUT) 2016 to till date

Graduate Level : Basic Manufacturing Processes, Advanced Casing and Welding, Production and Operations Management, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Quality Assurance & Reliability
Post Graduate Level : Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing, Computer Integrated Manufacturing , Automation in Manufacturing

  1. Advanced Fusion Welding Processes
  2. Friction Stir Processing
  3. Resistance Spot Welding
  4. Laser Spot welding
  5. Manufacturing Process Monitoring
  6. Machining of Polymer Composites
  7. Tool Condition Monitoring
  8. Electric Discharge Machining
  9. Ultrasonic Machining
  10. Micro-Machining of Hard Materials

Ph. D. Candidates : 03(Awarded) 02 (Ongoing) 1. Santosh Kumar Sahu, Production Engineering, VSSUT, VSSUT/PGS&R/1457(18)/20awarded on 9.9.2020 2, Debabrata Rath Production Engineering, VSSUT VSSUT/PGS&R/632(19)/21 awarded on 25.3.2021 3. Tarkeswar Barik Production Engineering, VSSUT VSSUT/PGS&R/1093/22 awarded on 31.10.2022
M. Tech. Candidates : 21 (Awarded) 01 (Ongoing)
  1. MHRD Scholarship during M. Engg. Programme at IIEST, Shibpur (2001-2003).
  2. MHRD Scholarship during PhD programme at IIT Khargpur (2007-2010).
  1. Seed Grant for the Research project entitled “Investigation on weld ability of dissimilar alluminium alloy to thermoplastic polymers using friction stir lap joining”PI/Co-PI: PI,Duration: one year (2021-22), Project Amount: 0.5 Lakh, sponsored by TEQIP-III, Status: Ongoing
  2. Seed Grant for the Research project entitled “Monitoring of Resistance Spot Welding Process for Joining Dissimilar Materials”PI/Co-PI: PI,Duration: one year (2016-17),Project Amount: One Lakh, sponsored by TEQIP, Status: Completed

International Publications

  1. Rath, D., Panda, S., Mishra, A. and Pal, K. “Particle swarm optimization and machinability aspects during turning of hardened D3 steel.” Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems,Vol. 19, No. 04, pp. 641-662, 2020 SCOPUS.
  2. Pal, K., and Pal, S. K., “Multi-objective optimization of pulsed gas metal arc welding process using neuro NSGA-II” Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C, Vol 100, pp. 501–510 2019 SCOPUS.
  3. Priyadarshini, M and Pal, K, “A comparative study for machining of Ti-6Al-4V alloy for multi-criteria response”, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 17(4), pp-515-531, 2018 SCOPUS.
  4. Priyadarshini, M and Pal, K, “Multi-objective optimisation of EDM process using hybrid Taguchi-based methodologies for Ti-6Al-4V alloy”, International Journal of Manufacturing Research, Inderscience Publications, 2016, Vol. 11 (2), pp.144-166 SCOPUS.
  5. Pal, K, and Pal, S K., “Sensor based prediction of weld microstructure in pulsed MIG welding” International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties, Inderscience Publications, 2015 Vol 10(5-6), pp.402- 434, SCOPUS.
  6. Pal, K, and Pal, S K., “Soft Computing Methods Used for the Modeling and Optimization of Gas Metal Arc Welding: A Review”, International Journal of Manufacturing Research, Inderscience Publications, 2011, Vol. 6(1), pp. 15 - 29,SCOPUS.
  7. Sahu S K., Mishra D., and Pal K. “A comparative study between weldability of polycarbonate and nylon-6 using different pin geometries in friction stir welding”, ProcIMechE Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Sage publications. (Accepted, In-Press), 2021 SCI/SCOPUS
  8. Goswami N. and Pal K. “Comparative assessment on weldability of Al 6061 to polycarbonate for dissimilar sheets placement in friction stir lap welding using sensor signal”, ProcIMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science, Sage publications. (Accepted, In-Press), 2021 SCI/SCOPUS.
  9. Sahu S K., Mishra D., and Pal K. “Optimizing process parameters for joint strength efficiency improvement in friction stir welding of polycarbonate sheets”, Material Science and Engineering Technology. Vol. 52, pp. 739–761, 2021 SCI/SCOPUS.
  10. Barik T. and Pal K. “Prediction of drilled hole quality in bidirectional woven carbon fiber reinforced plastic using wavelet packets of force–torque signals”, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites,doi.org/10.1177/07316844211011757, 2021 SCI/SCOPUS.
  11. Sahu S. K., Mishra D., and Pal K. “Investigation on Mechanical Behavior of Friction Stir Welded Nylon-6 using Temperature Signatures” Journal of Materials Engineering and performance, Springer publications, Vol. 29, pp. 5238–5262, 2020SCI/SCOPUS.
  12. Sahu S. K., Mishra D., Pal K. and Pal S. K. “Multi Sensor based strategies for accurate monitoring of friction stir welding of polycarbonate sheets” ProcIMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science, Sage publications.doi.org/10.1177/0954406220960772, 2020 SCI/SCOPUS.
  13. Pattanaik Ajit K., Pal K, and Mishra Debadutta, “Tribiological investigation and optimization of friction stir spot welding of dissimilar metals by LSSM-ANN method” Mechanics Based Design Of Structures And Machines, doi.org/10.1080/15397734.2020.1759429, 2020 SCI/SCOPUS.
  14. Barik T., Pal K.,Parimita S, Sahoo P. and Patra K.“Monitoring of hole surface integrity in drilling of bi-directional woven CFRP composites”, ProcIMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science, Sage publications, DOI: 10.1177/0954406220906292, 2020 SCI/SCOPUS.
  15. Rath, D., Panda, S. and Pal, K. “Dry turning of AISI D3 steel using a mixed ceramic insert: A study.” ProcIMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science. Vol. 233(19–20), pp. 6698–6712 2019 SCI/SCOPUS.
  16. Sahu S K., Pal K, Mahto R. P., Dash P Monitoring of friction stir welding for dissimilar Al 6063 alloy to polypropylene using sensor signals. Int J Adv Manuf Technol. Springerpublication,vol. 104(1-4), pp. 159-177, 2019 SCI/SCOPUS.
  17. Sahu, S K, Mishra, D, Mahto, R P, Sharma, Vyas M, Pal, K, Banerjee, S, Dash, P and Pal, S K., “Friction Stir Welding of Polypropylene Sheet”, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, Vol 21 (2), pp. 245-254, 2018 SCOPUS.
  18. Chatterjee, S, Chatterjee, R, Pal, S, Pal, K, and Pal S K., “Adaptive chirplet transform for sensitive and accurate monitoring of pulsed gas metal arc welding process", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer Verlag, 2012, Vol. 60(1-4), pp. 111- 125, SCI/SCOPUS.
  19. Bhattacharya, S, Pal, K, and Pal, S K., “Multi-Sensor based prediction of metal deposition in pulsed gas metal arc welding using various soft computing models”, Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier Publications, 2012 , Vol. 12(1), pp. 498-505, SCI/SCOPUS.
  20. Pal, K, and Pal, S K., “Effect of pulse parameters on weld quality in pulsed gas metal arc welding: a review”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Springer Verlag, 2011, Vol. 20(6), pp. 918-931, SCI/SCOPUS.
  21. Pal, K, and Pal, S K., “Monitoring of weld penetration using arc acoustics in pulsed MIG welding”, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Taylor & Francis, 2011, Vol. 26, pp. 684-693, SCI/SCOPUS.
  22. Pal, K, Bhattacharya, S, and Pal, S K., “Optimization of weld deposition efficiency in pulsed MIG welding using hybrid neuro based techniques”, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Taylor & Francis, 2011, Vol. 24(3), pp. 198-210, SCI/SCOPUS.
  23. Pal, K, and Pal, S. K., “Study of weld joint strength using sensor signals for various torch angles in pulsed MIG welding”, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Elsevier Publications, 2010,Vol. 3(1), pp. 55-65, SCI/SCOPUS.
  24. Pal K., Bhattacharya S., and Pal S. K., “Multisensor-based monitoring of weld deposition and plate distortion for various torch angles in pulsed MIG welding”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer Verlag, 2010,Vol.50 (5-8), pp.543-556, SCI/SCOPUS.
  25. Pal, K, Bhattacharya, S, and Pal, S K., “Investigation on arc sound and metal transfer modes for on-line monitoring in pulsed gas metal arc welding”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Elsevier Publications,2010 [Vol. 210(10), pp.1397-1410, SCI/SCOPUS.
  26. Pal, K, Bhattacharya, S, and Pal, S. K., “Prediction of metal deposition from arc sound and weld temperature signatures in pulsed MIG welding”. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer Verlag, 2009,Vol.45(11-12), pp.1113-1130, SCI/SCOPUS.
  1. Barik T., Jena S., Tripathy A., Pal K. and Parida S., A novel approach for reducing delamination during drilling of CFRP by Response Surface Methodology (RSM) integrated with the Taguchi method, Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering, Part of the Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering book series (LNME), Springer Publications, pp. 185-197 2020.
  2. Sahu S. K., Pal K., Das S. and Tripathy A., “Study on Mechanical Behaviour of Friction Stir Welded Nylon-6 sheets”, Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering, Part of the Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering book series (LNME),Springer Publications, pp. 151-160,2020.
  3. Barik T., Sarangi S. and Pal K., Assessment on Hole Quality During Drilling of Al/CFRP Stack, Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering, M. S. Shunmugam and M. Kanthababu(Eds):Advances in Unconventional Machining and Composites, Springer Publications,978-981-32-9470-7, 486064_1_En (64), pp 757-770, doi: 10.1007/978-981-32-9471-4_64, 2019.
  4. Mishra D., Sahu S. K., Mahto R. P., Pal S. K., and Pal K., “Friction Stir Welding for Joining of Polymers” chapter for the book titled as "Strengthening and Joining by Plastic Deformation”, Springer Publications, Chapter 6, pp.123-162, doi: 10.1007/978-981-13-0378-4_6, 2019.
Organize Short term Course, “Manufacturability of advanced Composite materials and alloys MACMA2017”, 8th -13th May, 2017, QIP scheme, under the sponsorship of AICTE (Coordinator). Organize Seminar, “SDMI-2020: Sustainable and Digital Manufacturing towards Industry 4.0.”, 10th – 11th September 2020, VSSUT, Burla, under the sponsorship of the Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (TEQIP-III) (Coordinator)
Present: Institute Nodal Officer, VSSUT Member of Board of Study, Academic Council, DAC,Anti-Ragging Committee PIC-Advanced Manufacturing Lab, Faculty Advisor, T & P, PE Former:Vice President SAMAVESH-2013 Warden in Vasistha Hall of Residence (2014-16) PIC-Metal Forming Lab (2016-19) Head-in-Charge of the Department, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering (2018-19) Head of the Department, Production Engineering (2019-22) Member of Board of Study, Academic Council,DAC, Examination Conducting Board NAAC Coordinator (Production Engineering) Faculty Advisor for Central Library, Training & Placement, Production Engineering Society

Reviewer of ‘Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing’, ‘Alexandria Engineering Journal’, ‘Journal of Manufacturing Process’, ‘SN Applied Sciences’

Present Address : 
Qr. No- 3R/15 Professors Colony VSSUT, Burla
  Permanent Address : 
U. Raipur P.O.- D. Raipur Dist.- 24 PGS(south), West Bengal-743318