ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Prof. Debadutta Mishra


Qualification : PhD (Sambalpur University/ UCE, Burla), M.Sc. (Engg.) (Sambalpur University/ REC (NIT), Rourkela), B.Sc. (Engg.)(OUAT / CET, Bhubaneswar)

Specialization : Production Engineering

PhD (Sambalpur University/ UCE, Burla), M.Sc. (Engg.) (Sambalpur University/ REC (NIT), Rourkela), B.Sc. (Engg.)(OUAT / CET, Bhubaneswar)

Production Engineering

30 Years

Graduate Level : Automation in NC Machine , Robotics and FMS
Post Graduate Level : Manufacturing System Model , Robotics and Robot Application

Robotics, Advanced Machining, Project Planning and Control, Optimization

Ph. D. Candidates : 06(Awarded) 08(Ongoing)
M. Tech. Candidates : 21 (Awarded) 01 (Ongoing)
  1. Leading Educator; 2005; IBC
  2. BrundabanSahu Memorial Award (2019), The Institution of Engineers (India) Odisha State Centre
  3. BrundabanSahu Memorial Award (2021) The Institution of Engineers (India) Odisha State Centre
  1. Seed Grant for the Research project entitled “Modernization of Metal Machining Lab. for imparting education and training in CNC machiningPI/Co-PI: PI,Project Amount: Fifteen Lakhs, sponsored by AICTE MODROBS Scheme, Status: Completed
  2. Seed Grant for the Research project entitled “Agent based planning and control of multi-robot Assembly SystemPI/Co-PI: PI, Project Amount: Eleven Lakhs, sponsored by TEQIP-III, Status: Ongoing
  3. Seed Grant for the Research project entitled “Modernization of Metal Machining Lab. for imparting education and training in CNC machiningPI/Co-PI: PI,Project Amount: Eleven Lakhs, sponsored by AICTE MODROBS Scheme, Status: Completed
  4. Seed Grant for the Research project entitled “Virtual Manufacturing using ITPI/Co-PI: PI,Project Amount: Fifteen Lakhs, sponsored by AICTE TAPTEC Scheme, Status: Completed
  5. Seed Grant for the Research project entitled “Integrated ManufacturingPI/Co-PI: PI,Project Amount: Eight Lakhs, sponsored by AICTE TAPTEC Scheme, Status: Completed

International Publications

  1. Pattnaik, S.K., Mishra, D., Panda, S. (2021), A comparative study of meta-heuristics for local path planning of a mobile robot, Engineering Optimization.
  2. Panda, S., Mishra, D., Biswal, B.B. (2020), An approach for design optimization of 3R manipulator using Adaptive Cuckoo Search algorithm, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 48(6), pp. 773–798.
  3. Pattanaik, A.K., Pal, K., Mishra, D. (2020), Tribiological investigation and optimization of friction stir spot welding of dissimilar metals by LSSM-ANN method, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines.
  4. Panda, S., Mishra, D., and Biswal, B.B., (2018), Optimum design of 3R manipulator usinghybrid PSOGSA algorithm, International Journal of Mechanism and Robotic Systems,Inderscience.
  5. Panda, S, and Mishra, D., (2018), Process Parameter Optimization of Hydrostatic ExtrusionUsing Metaheuristic, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, World Scientific 17(4), pp.1–18. DOI: 10.1142/S0219686718500270.
  6. Pattanaik, A.K., Panda, S.N., Mishra, B.P., Pal, K., and Mishra, D. (2017), A ComparativeInvestigation to Process Parameter Optimization for Spot Welding Using Taguchi Based GreyRelational Analysis and Metaheuristics, Technology Spectrum Review, 2(1), pp. 1-5.
  7. Panda, S., Biswal, B.B., Jena, S.D., and Mishra, D., (2016), An approach to weightoptimization of a spur gear, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J:Journal of Engineering Tribology, 231(2), pp. 189-202.
  8. Panda, S., Panda, S.N., Nanda, P., and Mishra, D., (2015), Comparative Study on OptimumDesign of Rolling Element Bearing, Tribology International, Elsevier, 92, pp. 595-604.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.triboint.2015.07.034.
  9. Mishra, D. Panda, S., and Biswal, B.B., (2015), Optimization of Multiple ResponseCharacteristics of EDM Process Using Taguchi-Based Grey Relational Analysis and ModifiedPSO, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, World Scientific, 14(3), pp. 123-148.https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219686715500092.
  10. Panda, S., Mishra, D., Biswal, B. B., and Tripathy, M., (2014), Revolute ManipulatorWorkspace Optimization using a Modified Bacteria Foraging Algorithm: A ComparativeStudy, Engineering Optimization, Taylor & Francis, 46(2), pp. 181-199.DOI:10.1080/0305215X.2012.753439.
  11. Panda, S., Mishra, D., and Biswal, B. B., (2013), Revolute manipulator workspaceoptimization: A comparative study, Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier, Vol. 13, pp. 899-910.
  12. Satapathy, A., Pradhan, M.K., Mishra, D., and Patnaik, A., (2012), Fabrication, MechanicalCharacterization and FTIR Spectroscopic Analysis of Fish Scale Reinforced Epoxy Composites,Advanced Materials Research, Trans Tech, Vol. 445, pp. 889-892.
  13. Patel, B.C., Acharya, S.K., and Mishra, D., (2012), Environment effect of water absorption andflexural strength of red mud filled jute fibre/polymer composite, International Journal ofEngineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 49-59.
  14. Panda, S., Mishra, D., Biswal, B.B., and Choudhury, B.B., (2012), Robot WorkspaceOptimization using a Novel Modified Differential Evolutionary Technique, InternationalJournal of Computational Methods, World Scientific, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 1250034-1-21.
  15. Panda, S., Mishra, D., and Biswal, B. B., (2012) A Multi-objective Workspace Optimization of3R Manipulator Using Modified PSO, LNCS, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 7677, pp. 90-97.
  16. Suresh, S.M., Mishra, D., Srinivasan, A., Arunachalam, R.M., and Sasikumar, R., (2011),Production and characterization of micro and nano Al2O3 particle reinforced LM25aluminium alloy composite, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 6,pp-94-98.ii
  17. Patel, B.C., Acharya, S.K., and Mishra, D., (2011), Effect of stacking sequence on the erosionwear behavior of jute and jute-glass fabric reinforced epoxy composite, International Journalof Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 213-219.
  18. Panda, S., and Mishra, D. and Biswal, B. B., (2011), Determination of optimum parameterswith multi-performance characteristics in laser drilling- A grey relational analysis approach,Int. J. Advance Manufacturing Technology, Springer, Vol.54, pp. 957-967.
  19. Choudhury, B.B., Biswal, B. B., Mishra, D. and Mahapatra R.N., (2011), Appropriateevolutionary algorithm for scheduling in FMS, International Journal of Applied EvolutionaryComputation, IGI-Global, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 15-26.
  20. Biswal, B.B., Choudhury, B.B., Mishra, D., Dash, P., (2010), An overview and comparison offour sequence generating methods for robotic assembly. International Journal ofManufacturing Technology and Management, Inderscience, Vol. 20, No.1/2/3/4, pp. 169–196.
  21. Panda, S., and Mishra, D., (2010), Development of a tribological failure knowledge model,International Journal of Knowledge Engineering & Data Mining, Inderscience, Vol.1, No. 2,pp. 99-114.
  22. Biswal, B.B., Panda, S. and Mishra, D., (2010), Optimization for Workspace Volume of 3RRobot Manipulator Using Modified Differential Evolution, Swarm, Evolutionary, andMemetic Computing, LNCS, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 6466, pp. 111-118.
  23. Mohanty, R.P., Mishra, D. and Mishra, T., (2010), Production as a service: An analysis ofTheory of Constraints (TOC) methods, Journal of Studies on Manufacturing, HyperSciences,Vol.1, No. 2-3, pp. 108-119.
  24. Sahu, S.P., Satapathy, A., Mishra, D., Patnaik, A., and Sreekumar, K.P., (2010), Triboperformanceanalysis of fly ash–aluminum coatings using experimental design and ANN,Tribology Transactions, Taylor and Francis, Vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 533-542.
  25. Mohanty, R.P., Mishra, D. and Mishra, T., (2009), Comparative study of productionoutsourcing models, Journal of Advances in Management Research, Emerald, Vol. 6, No. 1,pp. 41-69.
  26. Satpathy, A., Sahu, S.P., and Mishra, D., (2009), Development of protective coating using flyash premixed with metal powder on aluminium substrates, Waste Management andResearch, Sage, Vol. 1, pp. 01-07.
  27. Panda, S., and Mishra, D., (2009), A Multi-Objective Optimum Design of Dynamically LoadedJournal Bearing for a Prescribed À Extent Film, SAE Technical paper Series, SAE International,Document no. 2009-01-1679.
  28. Panda, S., and Mishra, D., (2008), Test-rigs for dynamically loaded journal bearing: A study,SAE Technical Paper Series, SAE International, Document no. 2008-01-2759.
  29. Choudhury, B.B., Mishra, D. and Biswal, B.B., (2008), Task assignment and scheduling in aconstrained manufacturing system using GA, International Journal of Agile Systems andManagement, Inderscience, Vol. 3, No. 1/2, pp. 127-146.
  30. (a) Indexed
    Mishra, D., Panda, S., and Pattnaik, S., (2011), Workspace volume optimization of 3RManipulator Using a Novel Differential Evolution, ACSE, Dubai, pp.540-543.
  31. Choudhury, B.B., Biswal, B.B. and Mishra, D. (2009), Development of Optimal Strategies forTask Assignment in Multirobot Systems. Advance Computing Conference, IACC, IEEE XPlore,pp. 1130 – 1135.
  32. Salwan, G., Mishra, D. and Pani, S. (2009), A Neural Network Approach for Selection ofPowder Metallurgy Process Parameter of Rapidly Solidified White Cast Iron, Nature &Biologically Inspired Computing, NaBIC-2009, IEEE XPlore, pp. 1276 – 1281.
  33. Panda, S., and Mishra, D., and Biswal, B.B. (2009), An Appropriate Tool for Optimizing theWorkspace of 3R Robot Manipulator, Biologically Inspired Computing, NaBIC-2009, IEEEXPlore, pp. 1156 – 1161.
  34. Panda, S., and Mishra, D., B.B.Biswal, Choudhury, B.B. (2009), An Appropriate Formulationfor Workspace Cross Section Area of 3R Robot Manipulator, Industrial and InformationSystems (ICIIS), IEEE XPlore, pp. 511 - 515.
  35. Choudhury, B.B., Biswal, B.B., Mishra, D., and Panda, S. (2009), A Practical Approach toRobot Selection for Industrial Applications, IEEE Press, pp.1-6.
  36. Choudhury, B.B., Biswal, B.B., Mishra, D., and Mahapatra, R.N., (2009), AppropriateEvolutionary Algorithm for Scheduling in FMS, Proc. of IEEE Computer Society, WorldCongress on Nature & Biologically Inspired Computing, pp.1139-1144.

National Publications

  1. Panda S., Mishra, D., (2010), A Study on Development of Fluid Film Bearings, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Institution of Engineers, Vol. 90, pp. 3-7.
  2. Satpathy, A., Sahu, S.P., Mishra, D., and Patnaik, A., (2009), Plasma sprayed fly ash coating on metal substrates, Material Science: An Indian Journal, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 01-07.
  3. Mishra, D., Mishra, T., and Mohanty, R.P., (2008), An exploratory study of quality management practices and product quality outcome: A case study of Indian manufacturing industry, Quality Management Practices, Excel books, pp. 655-662.
  4. Mishra, D., Biswal, B.B., and Mohanty, R.P., (2007), A comparative study of production outsourcing models with emphasis on theory of constraints based approach, Vilakshan XIMB Journal of Management, Vol. IV, No. 1, pp. 31-60.
  5. Mishra, D., Pattanayak, S.K. and Biswal, B.B., (2004), An improved method for outsourcing with maximum throughput in a manufacturing organization, The ICFAI Journal of Operations Management, Vol. III, No. 4, pp. 39-54.
  6. Kanango, R.N. and Mishra, D., (1992), A study on industrial potential of Western Orissa, Western Orissa an Ethos, Silver Jubilee Journal, SU.
  1. Mechanics of Solids, D.Mishra and R.K.Mohanty, India Tech Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2013.
  2. Basic Manufacturing Processes, D.Mishra, A.Panda, B.B.Nayak, and S.S.Mishra, India Tech Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2013.
  3. Basic Mechanical Engineering, D.Mishra, P.K.Parida and S.S.Sahoo, India Tech Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd.,New Delhi, 2016.
  4. D Mishra, S K Pattanayak and B B Biswal; “An Improved Method for Outsourcing with Maximum Throughput in a Manufacturing Organization”, Business Process Outsourcing: Concepts and Perspectives, ISBN: 81-314-0544-3.
1. Coordinator, QIP Short Term Course on Functional Engineering Material: Technology, Modeling and Analysis, 25/06/18 to 07/07/18, Department of Production Engineering, VSSUT, Burla.
2. Coordinator, QIP Short Term Course on Processing and Characterization of Materials, 24/04/17 to 29/04/17, Department of Production Engineering, VSSUT, Burla.
3. Coordinator, QIP Short Term Course on Advances in Manufacturing Systems and Processes, 30/11/15 to 05/12/15, Department of Production Engineering, VSSUT, Burla.
4. Coordinator, Computer Awareness Program for college staffs, UCE, Burla, 2008.
5. Coordinator, National Level Students’ Seminar” Gamut-2008”, UCE, Burla, 2008.
6. Coordinator, Industry-Institute Interaction Programme, UCE, Burla, 2002.
7. Coordinator, National Level Students’ Seminar” Manufacturing-2002”, UCE, Burla, 2002.
8. Co-coordinator, Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp, UCE, Burla sponsored by MHRD, May 1995.
9. Co-coordinator, Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp, UCE, Burla sponsored by MHRD, May 1993.
Administrative and other activities
  1. Dean Students’ Welfare, 01/10/2015- 03/10/2018.
  2. Dean Students’ Welfare, 01/04/2013- 02/06/2014.
  3. Coordinator, TEQIP, VSSUT, 11/08/12 to 08/04/2013.
  4. Dean Students’ Welfare, 11/8/2011 to 15/09/2011.
  5. Vice President, Technical Festival- Samavesh-09, VSSUT, Burla, 2008-09.
  6. Vice President, Technical Festival- Samavesh-08, UCE, Burla, 2007-08.
  7. Vice President, Audio Visual Club, UCE, Burla, 2006-07.
  8. Vice President, Students’ Cultural Association, UCE, Burla, 2005-2006.
  9. Vice President, Athletic Club, UCE, Burla, UCE, Burla, 2001-2003.
  10. Vice President, Students’ Common Room Society, UCE, Burla, 2000-2001.
  11. Faculty Advisor, Students’ Cultural Association, UCE, Burla, 1993-1994.
  12. Warden, New Hostel for Girls, UCE, Burla, 2006-2008.
  13. Superintendent, West Hostel for Boys, UCE, Burla, 2001-2003.
  14. Assistant Superintendent, North Hostel for Boys, UCE, Burla,
  15. Assistant Controller of Examinations, UCE, Burla, 1997-2000.
  16. Coordinator, EDUSAT project sponsored by ISRO and State Government.
  17. Professor-in-charge, Canteens 2002-2011.
As a Leader:
  1. Poof-in-charge, Annual Convocation, 2018.
  2. Head of the Department of Production Engineering, 28/07/15- 02/04/18.
  3. Head, Innovation Centre since 2015.
  4. Chairman, Office Automation, 2014.
  5. Poof-in-charge, Annual Convocation, 2012.
  6. Team Leader, E-Counseling, Joint Entrance Examination, Odisha, 2010.
  7. Head of the Department of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 01/08/2006- 08/08/2012.
  8. Chairman, Event Management, Annual Convocation, 2010 and 2011.
As Team Member:
  1. Member, Academic Council, VSS University of Technology, Burla, Orissa.
  2. Member, Board of Studies, SOA University, Bhubaneswar.
  3. Member, Board of Studies of Manufacturing Science and Engineering of Biju Patnaik University of Technology, 2007-09.
  4. Member, Board of Studies of Manufacturing Science and Engineering Department, VSSUT, Burla.
  5. Coordinating Warden (Maintenance) of Hostel Management Committee, 2008.
  6. Member, Examination Sub-committee, JEE (E&M)-2002, Orissa.
  7. Member, Academic Advisory Committee, IIPM, Kansbahal, Rourkela, Orissa, 2000-2002.
  8. Member, Admission Sub-Committee, Joint Entrance Examination JEE (E&M), 1999.
  9. Member, Admission Sub-Committee, Joint Entrance Examination JEE (E&M), 1998.
  10. Member, Board of Studies of Mechanical Engineering Department.
As Expert of National /State level Organization:
  1. Performance and Data Auditor of North-East Quality Improvement Programme (NEQIP) of AICTE, New Delhi.
  2. Technical Expert, Standing Appeal Committee, AICTE, New Delhi.
  3. Member, Academic Audit of BPUT, Rourkela, 2010-11.
  4. Member, Affiliation Committee of BPUT, Rourkela, 2009-10.

1. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM), InderScience.
2. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer.

Affiliation to Professional Society :
Professional Body
(i) Indian Society for Technical Education Membership
(ii) ASME

Professional Information:
Laboratory Development
i. Developed Rapid Prototyping Laboratory in the Department of ProductionEngineering, VSSUT, Burla.
ii. Developed CAD Laboratory in the Department of Production Engineering, VSSUT, Burla.
iii. Developed FMS Laboratory in the Department of Production Engineering, VSSUT, Burla.
iv. Coordinated procurement of an Acoustic Analyzing System for ManufacturingScience and Engineering Department, UCE, Burla.
v. Development of CAD/CAM Laboratory of Manufacturing Science and Engineering Department, UCE, Burla.
vi. Development of Robotics Laboratory of Manufacturing Science and Engineering Department, UCE, Burla.
vii. Development of Metal Forming Laboratory of Manufacturing Science and Engineering Department, UCE, Burla.
viii. Involved in assembly and testing of SCARA robot of the Robotics Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering Department, UCE, Burla.
ix. Augmentation of Computational and CAD/CAM Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering Department, UCE, Burla.
x. Development of FMS and Robotics Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering Department, UCE, Burla.
xi. Development of Computer Graphics Laboratory of Manufacturing Science andEngineering Department, UCE, Burla.

Professional talks delivered:
i) Entrepreneurship and Industry 4.0, Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp under DST-NIMAT Project, 14th – 16th November, 2018. Department of Production Engineering, VSSUT, Burla, sponsored by NSTEDB, DST, Govt. of India.
ii) Machining of functional materials for industrial applications, QIP short term course on Functional Engineering Materials: Technology, Modeling and Analysis, 25th June-07th July, 2018, Department of Production Engineering, VSSUT, Burla.
iii) Smart materials, QIP short term course on Materials, Manufacturing & Management, 14th-26th May, 2018, Department of Mechanical Engineering, VSSUT, Burla.
iv) Nano Composite, QIP short term course on Engineering Materials, Design and Applications, 23th-28th April, 2018, Department of Mechanical Engineering, VSSUT, Burla.
v) Machining of Composite Materials, QIP Short Term Course on Composite Manufacturing, Machining, Modeling and Optimization, 19th-24th February, 2018, Department of Production Engineering, VSSUT, Burla.
vi) Introduction to Manufacturing Techniques and Welding Technology, QIP Short Term Course on Processing and Characterization of Materials, 24th-29thApril, 2017, Department of Production Engineering, VSSUT, Burla.
vii) Composite Materials, QIP Short Term Course on Advances in Manufacturing, Material Processing and Testing, 17th-22nd April, 2017, Department of Mechanical Engineering, VSSUT, Burla.
viii) Plant Maintenance System, QIP Short Term Course on Recent Developments in Plant Maintenance and Condition Monitoring of Machinery, 10th-14th April, 2017, Department of Mechanical Engineering, VSSUT, Burla.
ix) Student discipline and Ethics, TEQIP, Quality of Higher and Technical Education in India- Role of Universities, 20th February, 2017, VSSUT, Burla.
x) Additive Manufacturing, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 12th March, 2016, Government College of Engineering, Kalahandi, Odisha.
xi) Additive Manufacturing, QIP Short Term Course on Advances in Manufacturing Systems and Processes, 2nd December, 2015, Department of Production Engineering, VSSUT, Burla.
xii) Classification and Machining of Composite Materials, National Seminar on Recent Advancement in Material Science, 23rd and 24th, August, 2014, Department of Chemistry and Department of Production Engineering, VSSUT, Burla.
xiii) Manufacturing Excellence- Sambalpur University, 2015.
xiv) Manipulator Workspace Manipulation- KIIT, Bhubaneswar, 2013.
xv) Flexible Manufacturing System- IGIT, Sarang, 2012.
xvi) IT application in manufacturing- STTP at Sambalpur University, 2010.
xvii) Sensors and Actuators, STTP on Mechanics and Control of Robots, 19thMarch, 2009, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar.
xviii) Intelligent Robots, STTP on Mechanics and Control of Robots, 19th March, 2009, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar.
xix) Theory of constraints- Hindalco, Hirakud, 2008.
xx) Non-conventional machining process- STTP at Sundergarh Engineering College, Sundargarh, 2007. • Member of editorial board: 1. Centurion Journal of multidisciplinary research.

Present Address : 
Qrs. No.-M4R/16,
VSSUT Colony, Burla
Dist.- Sambalpur, 768018
  Permanent Address : 
P.O.- Tarbha
Dist.- Subarnapur, Orissa-767016