ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Dr. Arun Kumar Rout

Associate Professor

Qualification : B.E(NIT Rourkela) Mechanical Systems Design, M.Tech (IIT Kharagpur), Ph.D. (KIIT University)

Specialization : Mechanical Systems Design

B.E(NIT Rourkela) Mechanical Systems Design, M.Tech (IIT Kharagpur), Ph.D. (KIIT University)

Mechanical Systems Design

23 Years of Teaching and Industry

Graduate Level : Engineering Mechanics, Machine Design, Strength of Materials, Theory of Machine, Finite Element Method
Post Graduate Level : Composite Materials, Fatigue and Fracture based Design , Development and Characterization of Synthetic, Natural, Nano Fibres Reinforced Composite Materials

1. Development and Characterization of Nano Fabrillated Cellulose (NFC) based nano composites 2. Development and characterization of Synthetic /Natural fiber reinforced Polymer/metal matrix composites

Ph. D. Candidates : 05 Completed, 02 Contuning 1. Jnanaranjan Kar (Notification No. Exam. Ph.D/Chemistry/656/2021 Dated 12.04.2021 Ravenshaw University, Cuttack) 2. Subhrajit Ray (Notification No. KIIT-DU/Exam-Ph.D-52-84-SR-AKR-AKS-SOT-52084/2019 Dated 26.10.2019, KIIT Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar) 3. Deepak Kumar Jesthi (Notification No. KIIT-DU/Exam-Ph.D-17-47-DKJ-RKN-AKR-SOT-17047/2019 Dated 18.06.2019, KIIT Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar) 4. Amalana Panda (Notification No. KIIT-DU/Exam-Ph.D-01-AP-AKS-AKR-SME-01001/2016 Dated 21.12.2016, KIIT Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar) 5. Ankita Pritam Praharaj (Notification No. KIIT-DU/Exam-Ph.D-52-84-APP-DB-AKR-SAS-27029/2016 Dated 29.10.2016, KIIT Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar) 6. Jitesh Kumar Singh (Notification No. VSSUT/PGS&R/332/2024 Dated 19.02.2024, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla, Odisha)
M. Tech. Candidates : 20 (Completed)
  1. BipinBehari Mohanty Memorial Award during the 63rd annual technical session on 23rd March, 2024 at The Institution of Engineers (India), Odisha State Center, Bhubaneswar for the research paper entitled -reinforced epoxy composites for application in engineering and construction industries.”
  2. Er. Arta Bandhu Jena Memorial Award during the 62nd annual technical session on 28th March, 2021 at The Institution of Engineers (India), Odisha State Center, Bhubaneswar for the research paper entitled “Synthesis of Cellulose Nanocrystals from Waste Rice Husk for Sustainable Applications”.
  3. Er. Arta Bandhu Jena Memorial award by Institution of Engineers, Odisha State Centre, Bhubaneswar 2020.
  4. Best paper award for Erosion wear performance of palm-epoxy composites reinforced with bio-waste filler by ICAIMRE-2019, TEQIP-III, BPUT, Odisha (ATU)
  1. ISTE (LM 33040)
  2. IEI (M-1500168)
  3. IAENG (129821)
  1. Development of a new class of polymer composites using natural fiber and bio-wastes, AICTE, New Delhi, 20/AICTE/RIFD/RPS (POLICY-III) 42/2012-13.
  2. Study of distortion and residual stresses in fusion welded structure and development of their minimization techniques, AICTE, New Delhi, 8023/BOR/RID/RPS-141/2008-09
  3. Development, Characterization and Mechanical Response Analysis of Nano Fibrillated Cellulose (NFC) Filled Hybrid Nano-composites, VSSUT/TEQIP/158/2021.

International Publications

  1. Pankaj Kumar Swain, Arun Kumar Rout, Jitesh Kumar Singh, Dibakar Sahoo, Srimant Kumar Mishra, Development and analysis of Fe-doped ZnO nanoparticle-infused sisal fiber reinforced hybrid polymer composites for high-performance sound absorption and thermal insulation applications, Industrial Crops and Products, 222, 119763, 2024.
  2. Jitesh Kumar Singh, Arun Kumar Rout , Experimental investigation on tribo-performance of rice husk nanoparticles blend epoxy composites reinforced by Borassus flabellifer L. fibre using neural network approach, Materials Today Communications, 38, 107971, 2024.
  3. Jayasmita Das, Arun Kumar Rout , Soumya Ranjan Parimanik, Itishree Rout, Trupti Ranjan Mahapatra, Debadutta Mishra, Dynamic Mechanical, and Static analysis of kevlar fiber reinforced epoxy composites incorporated with egg shell particle, 32(1), 2024.
  4. Lipsamayee Mishra, Trupti Ranjan Mahapatra, Debadutta Mishra, Soumya Ranjan Parimanik, Arun Kumar Rout , Parametric optimization of hole quality in Nd: YAG laser drilled carbon black/epoxy composite by grey based whale optimization technique, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2024.
  5. Binita Dash, Trupti Ranjan Mahapatra, Debadutta Mishra, Arun Kumar Rout , Acoustic radiation efficiencies of laminated composite structure under mechanical excitation and hygrothermal loading: Numerical analysis, Materials Today: Proceedings, 91, 25-32, 2023.
  6. Jitesh Kumar Singh, Arun Kumar Rout , Thermal stability and dynamic mechanical analysis of nano-biofillers blended hybrid composites reinforced by cellulosic Borassus flabellifer L. fiber, International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization, 28(6), 552-563, 2023.
  7. Jitesh Kumar Singh, Arun Kumar Rout , Study on the physical, mechanical, and thermal behaviour of RHN blend epoxy hybrid composites reinforced by Borassus flabellifer L. fibers, Cellulose, 30(8), 5033-5049, 2023
  8. Soumya Ranjan Parimanik, Trupti Ranjan Mahapatra, Debadutta Mishra, Arun Kumar Rout , Optimisation of performance characteristics in laser welding of Nitinol wires using Taguchi and grey relation analysis, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, 9(1), 186-195, 2023.
  9. Trilokinath Mishra, Paulami Mandal, Arun Kumar Rout , Dibakar Sahoo, A state-of-the-art review on potential applications of natural fiber-reinforced polymer composite filled with inorganic nanoparticle, Composites Part C, 9, 100298, 2022.
  10. Jitesh Kumar Singh, Arun Kumar Rout , Characterization of raw and alkali-treated cellulosic fibers extracted from borassus flabellifer L., Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 14, 11633–11646, 2022.
  11. Jitesh kumar Singh, Arun Kumar Rout, Kanchan Kumari, A review on Borassus flabellifer lignocellulose fiber reinforced polymer composites, Carbohydrate Polymers, 262, 117929, 2021.
  12. Jnanaranjan Kar, Arun Kumar Rout, Alekha Kumar Sutar, Tanmay Mohanty, Study on static and dynamic mechanical properties of hybrid palm stalk fiber reinforced epoxy composites”, BioResources, 15(2), 4249-4270, 2020.
  13. Subhrajit Ray, Arun Kumar Rout, Ashok Kumar Sahoo, “ A comparative analysis of the abrasion wear characteristics of industrial wastes filled glass/polyester composites based on design of experiment and artificial neural network”, Polymer Composites, DOI: 10.1002/pc.25836, 2020.
  14. Amalana Panda, Ashok Kumar Sahoo, Isham Panigrahi, Arun Kumar Rout, “Prediction models for on-line cutting tool and machined surface condition monitoring during hard turning considering vibration signal”, Mechanics & Industry, 21, 520, 2020.
  15. Subhrajit Ray, Arun Kumar Rout, Ashok Kumar Sahoo, “Effect of marble paticle on physic-mechanical behavior of glass fiber reinforced epoxy composites”, Int. J. of Integrated Engineering, 11(06), 93-102, 2019.
  16. Subhrajit Ray, Arun Kumar Rout, Ashok Kumar Sahoo , “Tribomechanical performance of glass–epoxy hybrid composites filled with marble powder with the taguchi design and artificial neural network”, Composites: mechanics, computations, applications,10(1),17-38, 2019.
  17. Arun Kumar Rout, Jitesh Kumar Singh, An overview of advanced fiber reinforced polymer composites and it’s applications, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD), 8, 311-318, 2018.
  18. Jnanaranjan Kar, Arun kumar Rout, Alekh kumar Sutar , “Physical ,mechanical and erosion characterization of palm leaf stalk fibre reinforced epoxy composites filled with palm leaf stem stalk(PLSS) powder ” BioResources,13(4),7212-7231, 2018.
  19. Ray,S., Rout A.K. and Sahoo,A.K , “Development and characterization of glass/polyester composites filled with industrial wastes using statistical techniques”, Indian Journal of Engineering & material sciences,25,169-182, 2018.
  20. Panda,A., Sahoo,A.K., Panigrahi,I.,Rout A.K.,“Investigating machinability in hard turning of aisi 52100 bearing steel through performance measurement: qr, ann and gra study”, International journal of automotive and mechanical engineering , 15 (1),4935-4961, 2018.
  21. Jesthi,D.K., Mandal, P., Rout A.K., Nayak,R.K., “Effect of carbon/glass fiber symmetric inter-ply sequence on mechanical properties of polymer matrix composites”,Procedia manufacturing, 20, 530-535, 2018.
  22. Jesthi,D.K., Mandal, P., Rout A.K., Nayak,R.K., “Enhancement of mechanical and specific wear properties of glass/carbon fiber reinforced polymer hybrid composite”, Procedia manufacturing, 20, 536-541, 2018.
  23. Arun kumar Rout, Manoj kumar, Banabihari Nayak, “Tribo-mechanical performance of silicon carbide-reinforced aa6061 metal matrix composites using the taguchi methodology”, Composites: Mechanics”, Computations, Applications: An International Journal, 8(1),67-83, 2017.
  24. AmlanaPanda, Ashok KumarSahoo, Arun Kumar Rout, “Investigations on surface quality characteristics with multi-response parametric optimization and correlations”,Alexandria engineering Journal, Elsevier, 55, 1625-1663, 2016.
  25. Amlana Panda, Ashok Kumar Sahoo, Arun Kumar Rout, “Multi-attribute decision making parametric optimization and modeling in hard turning using ceramic insert through grey relational analysis: A case study,” Decision Science Letters, 5, 581-592, 2016
  26. Arun kumar Rout, Jnanaranjan Kar, Dipak Kumar Jesthi and Alekh Kumar Sutar, “Effect of surface treatment on the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of palm tree leaf stalk fibers.”Bio resources, 11(2), 4432-4445, 2016.
  27. Arun Kumar Rout ,Alok Satapathy, “Study on mechanical and erosion wear performance of granite filled glass-epoxy hybrid composites Proc IMechE Part L”,Journal of Materials Design and Applications, 229(1), 38 – 50 ,2015.
  28. Sucharita S Sahoo , Arun Kumar Rout, “Prediction of erosion wear of granite filled jute epoxy composites using artificial neural network”, Composites: Mechanics, Computations, Applications, An International Journal ,6(3) ,1-13 ,2015.
  29. A. Praharaj, D. Behera, P. Rath, T.K. Bastia , A.K.Rout , “BisGMA-polyvinylpyrrolidone blend based nanocomposites reinforced with chitosan grafted f-multiwalled carbon nanotubes”, Results in Physics ,5 ,158-167 , 2015
  30. A. Praharaj, D. Behera, P. Rath, T.K. Bastia , A.K.Rout , “BisGMA/EPDM/amine functionalized MWCNTs based nanocomposites Pigment & Resin Technology”, Emerald ,44(5) ,266-275 ,2015
  31. Ashok Kumar Sahoo, Arun Kumar Rout and Dipti Kanta Das , “Response surface and artificial neural network prediction model and optimization for surface roughness in machining “,Int. Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations ,6 ,229-240 ,2015
  32. Arun Kumar Rout & Subhrajit Ray , “A comparative study of the mechanical properties of glass-polyester composites filled with industrial wastes” ,Composites: Mechanics, Computations, Applications,An International Journal , 5(2) , 1-14, 2014
  33. A.K. Sahoo, S. Pradhan , A.K. Rout , “Development and machinability assessment in turning Al/SiC-metal matrix composites with multi layer coated carbide insert using Taguchi and statistical techniques “,Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering ,13 ,27-35 ,2013
  34. Arun Kumar Rout & Alok Satapathy, “Computational and Experimental Investigation on Thermal Insulation Capabilities of Rice-Husk Filled Epoxy” ,Composites ,Computational thermal Science ,4(2) ,107-114 ,2012
  35. Arun Kumar Rout & Alok Satapathy , “Analysis of Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of Rice Husk Filled Epoxy Composites Using Design of Experiment and ANN” , Procedia Engineering , 38 ,1218-1232 ,2012.
  36. Arun Kumar Rout, Alok Satapathy, Sisir Mantry, Ashok K Sahoo and Tanmay Mohanty , “Erosion Wear Performance Analysis of Polyester- GF-Granite Hybrid Composites using the Taguchi Method” , Procedia Engineering ,38 , 1863-1882 ,2012
  37. Arun Kumar Rout & Alok Satapathy , “Development and Characterization of Rice Husk Filled Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Bio-Composites” , Composites: Mechanics, Computations, Applications,An International Journal. 3(2) ,1-12 ,2012
  38. Arun Kumar Rout & Alok Satapathy , “Study on Mechanical and Tribo-Performance of Rice-husk Filled Glass-Epoxy Hybrid Composites , Materials and Design” , 41 ,131-141, 2012

International Conferences

  1. Jitesh Kumar Singh, Arun Kumar Rout , Physical, mechanical, thermal and water absorption properties of Borassus flabellifer fiber composites grafted with rice husk nanoparticles, International Conference on Advances in Materials Processing (ICAMP-2022), January 08-09, 2022, at National Institute of Technology Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.
  2. Jitesh Kumar Singh, Arun Kumar Rout , Physical and mechanical properties of alkali treated lignocellulose fibers derived from Borassus flabellifer, International Conference on Advancement in Sustainable Technology (ICAST-2021), December 17-18, 2021, at Gandhi Institute for Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.
  3. Jitesh Kumar Singh, Arun Kumar Rout , Characterization and synthesis of nanofibrils derived from waste rice husk, International Online Conference on nano Materials (ICN 2021), April 09-11, 2021, at Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala India.
1. Jitesh Kumar Singh, Arun Kumar Rout, Satish Kanhed, South African Patent titled “An Extraction Process of Borassus Flabellifer L. Leaf Fine Fiber” Published on May-2023. Application No / File Number: 2023/020270, Published on: 31.05.2023.
  1. Study on Reinforcing Potential of Rice Husk in Thermal and Wear Resistant Polymer Composites, Scholars’ Press, Germany, ISBN-978-3-659-83695-4
  2. Evaluation of erosion wear performance of palm epoxy hybrid composites for hostile environments, pp.37, Annual Technical Volume of Production Engineering Division Board, IEI, 2019, ISBN-978-81-942561-3-7
  3. Experimentation with Thermo-mechanically stable epoxy composites reinforced with palm fiber, Proceedings of Int. Conf. on Thermo fluids, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer Nature Pte Ltd, pp.621-632, 2021.
1. Manufacturability of advanced Composite materials and alloys MACMA-2017(8th -13th May) 2. Sustainable and Digital Manufacturing towards Industry 4.0 SDMI-2020 (10th -11th September)
Public Information Officer, RTI Cell, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla, Sambalpur.
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