ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Dr. Sudhansu Ranjan Das

Associate Professor

Qualification : Ph.D. (Manufacturing Engineering) NIT-Jamshedpur, M.Tech. (Manufacturing Processes & Systems) KIIT University, B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) BPUT.

Specialization : Production and Industrial Engineering

Ph.D. (Manufacturing Engineering) NIT-Jamshedpur, M.Tech. (Manufacturing Processes & Systems) KIIT University, B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) BPUT.

Production and Industrial Engineering

15 Years

Graduate Level : Basic Manufacturing Process, Machining Science and Technology, Modern Manufacturing Processes, Product Design and Production Tooling, Robotics and Robot Applications, Production Technology, Mechanics, Mechanics of Solids, Tribology, Measurement and Metrology, Tool Design
Post Graduate Level : Advanced Metal Forming, Non-Tradirional Machining Processes, Bearings and Lubrication, Work System Design, Manufacturing System & Automation, Modern Machining Processes, Advanced CAD

Machining & Machinability, Cooling-lubrication strategy, Sustainable manufacturing, Cutting tool technology, Material characterization, Tool wear, Design of experiments, Modelling & Optimization, Thin hard film coating.

Ph. D. Candidates : 02 Nos. (Completed) and 03 Nos. (On-going)
M. Tech. Candidates : 09 Nos. (Completed)
  1. Best paper award in International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering Research and Development (ICRAMERD-2020),24th-25th July 2020,Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar.
  2. Er. Pratap Chandra Panda memorial award received from The Institution of Engineers (India),2019.
  3. Distinguished Researcher award received from International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR), 2019.
  4. Outstanding Educator award received from Green ThinkerZ, 2019.
1. Member, Institution of Engineers (MIE)India 2. Life Membership, Indian Society for Technical Education (MISTE)India 3. Member, SAE India 4. Member, International Association of Engineers (IAENG), Hong Kong 5. Member, All India Council for Technical Skill Development, India 6. Member, National Institute for Technical Skill Development, India
  1. Title of Project: Sustainability assessment and comparative investigation towards machinability improvement of AISI D3 steel using new-generation ultrahard coated carbide tool under different cooling-lubrication conditions Funding agency: Collaborative Research and Innovation Scheme of TEQIP-III Ref. no.: VSSUT/TEQIP/119/2020 Grant-in-aid Sanctioned: Rs. 50000/- Year: 2019-2020

International Publications

  1. Das, A., Das, S. R., Panda, A., & Patel, S. K. (2022). Experimental investigation into machinability of hardened AISI D6 steel using newly developed AlTiSiN coated carbide tools under sustainable finish dry hard turning. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 236(5), 1889-1905.
  2. Parida, S. P., Jena, P. C., Das, S. R., Basem, A., Khatua, A. K., & Elsheikh, A. H. (2024). Transverse vibration of laminated-composite-plates with fillers under moving mass rested on elastic foundation using higher order shear deformation theory. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 09544062241256589.
  3. Parida, S. P., Mishra, D., Padhy, R. L., Jena, P. C., Das, S. R., Basem, A. A., ... & Elsheikh, A. (2024). Effect of Alkali Treatment on Mechanical and Buckling Behaviour of Natural Fiber Reinforced Composite Cylinder. ES Materials & Manufacturing, 24, 1161.
  4. Sarangi, S., Behera, A. K., Bajpai, S., Sahoo, S., Sethy, S., & Das, S. R. (2024). Application of tri-vector analysis to identify the optimum coating thickness in induced draft fans. Surface Review and Letters. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218625X24501336
  5. Sethy, S., Das, S. R., Rana, J., Behera, A. K., & Gupta, M. K. (2024). Performance evaluation and economic assessment in electrical discharge machining of SS316 using graphite powder dispersed in biodegradable palm oil dielectric. Surface Review and Letters, 2450120.
  6. Das, A., Kumar, A., Padhan, S., Das, S. R., Satpathy, M. P., & Patel, S. K. (2024). Hard turning of AISI H10 steel using AlTiN and AlTiSiN coated carbide tools: comparative machining performance evaluation and economic assessment. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 46(5), 277.
  7. Samantaray, S. R., Pradhan, S., Dhupal, D., Padhan, S., & Das, S. R. (2024). Comparative performance investigation and sustainability evaluation between hot-AJM and AJM during machining of zirconia ceramic using Al2O3 abrasives. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 46(5), 263.
  8. Panda, D., Sahu, S. K., & Das, S. R. (2024). Comparative performance evaluation and economic assessment between traditional and vibration assisted EDM during machining of Inconel 718. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 09544062241244949.
  9. Sethy, S., Rana, J., Sharma, P., & Das, S. R. (2024). Comparative performance investigation and sustainability assessment in electrical discharge machining of SS316 using different dielectrics. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 238(7), 2718-2733.
  10. Roy, S., Das, A., Kumar, R., Das, S. R., Rafighi, M., & Sharma, P. (2024). Exploring the viability of alternative cooling-lubrication strategies in machining processes: A comprehensive review on the performance and sustainability assessment. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 09544054241229472.
  11. Padhan, S., Das, A., & Das, S. R. (2024). Analysis, modelling and optimization on tool vibration in machining of nitronic 60 with SiAlON ceramic tool. Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, 1-14.
  12. Dhupal, D., Panigrahi, D., Rout, S., Bhuyan, R. K., Nayak, S., Jena, P. C., & Das, S. R. (2024). Generation of effusion holes on ultra-high temperature alloy by micro electro-discharge machining process. Surface Review and Letters, 31(02), 2450015.
  13. Das, A., Barrenkala, D., Das, S. R., Patel, S. K., Somani, N., & Kumar, C. S. (2024). Comparative performance evaluation between ta-C and TiAlCrN coated tools during milling of additively manufactured CFRP composite. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 09544089231223021.
  14. Roy, S., Pradhan, A., Padhan, S., Das, A., Das, S. R., & Dhupal, D. (2024). Investigation on Surface Roughness and Power Consumption for Sustainability Assessment in Hard Turning of HSLA Steel With SPPP?AlTiSiN–Coated Carbide Tool Under Various Cooling?Lubrications. Lubrication Science. https://doi.org/10.1002/ls.1717
  16. Somani, N., Walia, A. S., Gupta, N. K., Panda, J. P., Das, A., & Das, S. R. (2023). Data driven surrogate model-based optimization of the process parameters in electric discharge machining of D2 steel using Cu-SiC composite tool for the machined surface roughness and the tool wear. Revista de Metalurgia, 59(2), e242-e242.
  17. Kumar, N., Kumar, A., Sethy, S., & Das, S. R. (2023). Investigation and optimization in electrochemical arc drilling of Ni55. 7Ti nickel–titanium shape memory alloy with molybdenum electrode. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 45(9), 448.
  18. Biswal, S., Das, S. R., Saha, N., & Mishra, P. C. (2023). Environmental sustainability assessment of gasoline and methanol blended smart fuel for reduced emission formation. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-32. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-023-03752-6
  19. Pittala, R. K., Sharma, P., Anne, G., Patil, S., Varghese, V., Das, S. R., ... & Fernandes, F. (2023). Development and Mechanical Characterization of Ni-Cr Alloy Foam Using Ultrasonic-Assisted Electroplating Coating Technique. Coatings, 13(6), 1002.
  20. Mishra, P. C., Roychoudhury, A., Banerjee, A., Saha, N., Das, S. R., & Das, A. (2023). Coated Piston Ring Pack and Cylinder Liner Elastodynamics in Correlation to Piston Subsystem Elastohydrodynamic: Through FEA Modelling. Lubricants, 11(5), 192.
  21. Sharma, P., Soni, H., Sethy, S., Das, S. R., Tharwan, M. Y., Al Sofyani, S., ... & Elsheikh, A. (2023). Surface characterization of SAE 304 after WED cutting: An experimental investigation and optimization. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 23, 5723-5732.
  22. Mahapatra, S., Das, A., Jena, P. C., & Das, S. R. (2023). Turning of hardened AISI H13 steel with recently developed S3P-AlTiSiN coated carbide tool using MWCNT mixed nanofluid under minimum quantity lubrication. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 237(4), 843-864.
  23. Padhan, S., Wagri, N. K., Dash, L., Das, A., Das, S. R., Rafighi, M., & Sharma, P. (2023). Investigation on surface integrity in hard turning of AISI 4140 steel with SPPP-AlTiSiN coated carbide insert under nano-MQL. Lubricants, 11(2), 49.
  24. Wagri, N. K., Jain, N. K., Petare, A., Das, S. R., Tharwan, M. Y., Alansari, A., ... & Elsheikh, A. (2023). Investigation on the performance of coated carbide tool during dry turning of AISI 4340 alloy steel. Materials, 16(2), 668.
  26. Ibrahim, A. M. M., Omer, M. A., Das, S. R., Li, W., Alsoufi, M. S., & Elsheikh, A. (2022). Evaluating the effect of minimum quantity lubrication during hard turning of AISI D3 steel using vegetable oil enriched with nano-additives. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 61(12), 10925-10938.
  27. Babu, M. N., Anandan, V., Parthasarathi, N. L., Yildirim, C. V., Babu, M. D., & Das, S. R. (2022). Performance analysis in turning of D3 tool steel using silver nanoplatelets as additives under MQL. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 44(12), 591.
  28. Rafighi, M., Özdemir, M., ?ahino?lu, A., Kumar, R., & Das, S. R. (2022). Experimental assessment and topsis optimization of cutting force, surface roughness, and sound intensity in hard turning of AISI 52100 steel. Surface Review and Letters, 29(11), 2250150.
  29. Pradhan, S., Das, S. R., Jena, P. C., & Dhupal, D. (2022). Investigations on surface integrity in hard turning of functionally graded specimen under nano fluid assisted minimum quantity lubrication. Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, 8(sup3), 1714-1729.
  30. Das, A., Mohapatra, S., Gajrani, K. K., Das, S. R., & Patel, S. K. (2022). Comparative performance evaluation between HSN-TiAlxN and TiCN coated carbide tools in hard turning of AISI D6 steel. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 09544054221111884.
  31. Das, A., Das, S. R., Panda, J. P., Dey, A., Gajrani, K. K., Somani, N., & Gupta, N. K. (2022). Machine Learning-based modeling and optimization in hard turning of AISI D6 steel with advanced AlTiSiN-coated carbide inserts to predict surface roughness and other machining characteristics. Surface Review and Letters, 29(10), 2250137.
  32. Rafighi, M., Özdemir, M., Das, A., & Das, S. R. (2022). Machinability investigation of cryogenically treated hardened AISI 4140 alloy steel using CBN insert under sustainable finish dry hard turning. Surface Review and Letters, 29(04), 2250047.
  33. Das, A., Gupta, M. K., Das, S. R., Panda, A., Patel, S. K., & Padhan, S. (2022). Hard turning of AISI D6 steel with recently developed HSN2-TiAlxN and conventional TiCN coated carbide tools: comparative machinability investigation and sustainability assessment. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 44(4), 138.
  34. Padhan, S., Das, S. R., Das, A., Alsoufi, M. S., Ibrahim, A. M. M., & Elsheikh, A. (2022). Machinability investigation of Nitronic 60 steel turning using SiAlON ceramic tools under different cooling/lubrication conditions. Materials, 15(7), 2368.
  35. Das, A., Kamal, M., Das, S. R., Patel, S. K., Panda, A., Rafighi, M., & Biswal, B. B. (2022). Comparative assessment between AlTiN and AlTiSiN coated carbide tools towards machinability improvement of AISI D6 steel in dry hard turning. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 236(6), 3174-3197.
  36. Rout, B., Dash, R., Dhupal, D., & Das, S. R. (2022). Optimized posture prediction for task specific during stacking process using human upper body movements. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM), 16(1), 291-303.
  37. Pradhan, S., Das, S. R., Jena, P. C., & Dhupal, D. (2022). Machining performance evaluation under recently developed sustainable HAJM process of zirconia ceramic using hot SiC abrasives: An experimental and simulation approach. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 236(2), 1009-1035.
  38. Das, A., Gautam, A., Panda, A., Das, S. R., Debnath, K., Ramakrishna, C., & Patel, S. K. (2022). Comparative performance evaluation between uncoated and TiAlN+ AlCrN coated carbide tools in hard turning of AISI H11 steel. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 09544089221110430.
  39. Behera, R. K., Samal, B. P., Panigrahi, S. C., Das, S. R., Mohamed, A., Muduli, K., ... & Das, R. (2022). Experimental analysis on machinability aspects of sintered aluminium metal matrix (Al+ Si+ Mg+ Cu+ SiC) composite-a novel product produced by powder metallurgy method. International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation, 13(1), 1-22.
  40. Naik, S., Das, S. R., Dhupal, D., & Khatua, A. K. (2022). Electrical discharge machining of engineered Al-22% SiC metal matrix composite: surface roughness analysis, optimization, economic analysis, and sustainability assessment. Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability, 1-29.
  41. Das, A., Padhan, S., & Das, S. R. (2022). Analysis on hole overcut during micro-EDM of Inconel 718. Materials Today: Proceedings, 56, 29-35.
  42. Das, A., Padhan, S., Das, S. R., Alsoufi, M. S., Ibrahim, A. M. M., & Elsheikh, A. (2021). Performance assessment and chip morphology evaluation of austenitic stainless steel under sustainable machining conditions. Metals, 11(12), 1931.
  43. Lalatendu Dash, Smita Padhan, Anshuman Das, Sudhansu Ranjan Das, “Machinability investigation and sustainability assessment in hard turning of AISI D3 steel with coated carbide tool under nanofluid minimum quantity lubrication-cooling condition”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, doi:10.1177/0954406221993844 (2021). SCIE
  44. Naik, S., Das, S. R., Dhupal, D., & Khatua, A. K. (2021). Analysis on surface integrity and sustainability assessment in electrical discharge machining of engineered Al-22% SiC metal matrix composite. Rev Metal, 57(4), e210.
  45. Pradhan, S., Das, S. R., & Dhupal, D. (2021). Performance evaluation of recently developed new process HAJM during machining hardstone quartz using hot silicon carbide abrasives: an experimental investigation and sustainability assessment. Silicon, 13(9), 2895-2919.
  46. Parida, S. P., Jena, P. C., Das, S. R., Dhupal, D., & Dash, R. R. (2022). Comparative stress analysis of different suitable biomaterials for artificial hip joint and femur bone using finite element simulation. Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, 8(sup3), 1741-1756.
  47. Pradhan, S., Das, S. R., Jena, P. C., & Dhupal, D. (2022). Investigations on surface integrity in hard turning of functionally graded specimen under nano fluid assisted minimum quantity lubrication. Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, 8(sup3), 1714-1729.
  48. Elsheikh, A. H., Abd Elaziz, M., Das, S. R., Muthuramalingam, T., & Lu, S. (2021). A new optimized predictive model based on political optimizer for eco-friendly MQL-turning of AISI 4340 alloy with nano-lubricants. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 67, 562-578.
  49. Naik, S., Das, S. R., & Dhupal, D. (2021). Experimental investigation, predictive modeling, parametric optimization and cost analysis in electrical discharge machining of Al-SiC metal matrix composite. Silicon, 13, 1017-1040.
  50. Behera, R. K., Samal, B. P., Panigrahi, S. C., & Das, S. R. (2021). Optimization of erosion wears of Al–Mg–Si–Cu–SiC composite produced by the PM method. Corrosion Reviews, 39(1), 63-75.
  51. Pradhan, S., Das, S. R., Nanda, B. K., Jena, P. C., & Dhupal, D. (2021). Machining of hardstone quartz with modified AJM process using hot SiC abrasives: analysis, modeling, optimization, and cost analysis. Surface Review and Letters, 28(02), 2050049.
  52. Padhan, S., Das, A., Santoshwar, A., Dharmendrabhai, T. R., & Das, S. R. (2021). Sustainability assessment and machinability investigation of austenitic stainless steel in finish turning with advanced ultra-hard SiAlON ceramic tool under different cutting environments. Silicon, 13, 119-147.
  53. Pradhan, S., Sahu, S., Das, S. R., & Dhupal, D. (2021). Experimental study and simulation of surface generation during machining of K-80 alumina ceramic in modified abrasive jet machining with different temperatures using Al2O3 abrasives. International Journal of Abrasive Technology, 10(4), 298-329.
  54. Pradhan, S., Dhupal, D., Das, S. R., & Jena, P. C. (2021). Experimental investigation and optimization on machined surface of Si3N4 ceramic using hot SiC abrasive in HAJM. Materials Today: Proceedings, 44, 1877-1887.
  55. Padhan, S., Dash, L., Behera, S. K., & Das, S. R. (2020). Modeling and optimization of power consumption for economic analysis, energy-saving carbon footprint analysis, and sustainability assessment in finish hard turning under graphene nanoparticle–assisted minimum quantity lubrication. Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability, 4, 445-463.
  56. Das, A., Patel, S. K., Biswal, B. B., & Das, S. R. (2020). Performance evaluation of aluminium oxide nano particles in cutting fluid with minimum quantity lubrication technique in turning of hardened AISI 4340 alloy steel. Scientia Iranica, 27(6), 2838-2852.
  57. Pradhan, S., Das, S. R., Nanda, B. K., Jena, P. C., & Dhupal, D. (2020). Experimental investigation on machining of hardstone quartz with modified AJM using hot silicon carbide abrasives. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 42, 1-22.
  58. Dash, L., Padhan, S., & Das, S. R. (2020). Experimental investigations on surface integrity and chip morphology in hard tuning of AISI D3 steel under sustainable nanofluid-based minimum quantity lubrication. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 42(10), 500.
  59. Das, A., Das, S. R., Patel, S. K., & Biswal, B. B. (2020). Effect of MQL and nanofluid on the machinability aspects of hardened alloy steel. Machining Science and Technology, 24(2), 291-320.
  60. Panda, A., Das, S. R., & Dhupal, D. (2020). Machinability investigation and sustainability assessment in FDHT with coated ceramic tool. Steel and Composite Structures, An International Journal, 34(5), 681-698.
  61. Dash, L., Padhan, S., & Das, S. R. (2020). Design optimization for analysis of surface integrity and chip morphology in hard turning. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Journal, 76(5), 561-578.
  62. Behera, R. K., & Das, S. R. (2019). Modelling and optimization of technological parameters in hot abrasive jet machining of alumina ceramic. Matériaux & Techniques, 107(6), 603.
  63. Naik, S., Das, S. R., & Dhupal, D. (2020). Analysis, predictive modelling and multi-response optimization in electrical discharge machining of Al-22% SiC metal matrix composite for minimization of surface roughness and hole overcut. Manufacturing Review, 7, 20.
  64. Pradhan, S., Tripathy, S. S., Sahu, S., Das, S. R., Jena, P. C., & Dhupal, D. (2020). Investigation on MRR and DOC of the micro-holes generated on quartz using silicon carbide by FB-HAJM. Materials Today: Proceedings, 26, 2005-2012.
  65. Das, A., Das, S. R., Patel, S. K., & Biswal, B. B. (2020). Experimental investigation of various machining attributes and cost estimation during machining of hardened AISI 4340 steel with untreated and cryo treated cermet inserts. Mechanics & Industry, 21(1), 110.
  66. Panda, A., Ranjan Das, S., & Dhupal, D. (2019). Machinability investigation of HSLA steel in hard turning with coated ceramic tool: assessment, modeling, optimization and economic aspects. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, 18(04), 625-655.
  67. Das, A., Pradhan, O., Patel, S. K., Das, S. R., & Biswal, B. B. (2019). Performance appraisal of various nanofluids during hard machining of AISI 4340 steel. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 46, 248-270.
  68. Das, A., Patel, S. K., Biswal, B. B., & Das, S. R. (2019). Machinability investigation and cost estimation during finish dry hard turning of AISI 4340 steel with untreated and cryo treated cermet inserts. Journal of Superhard Materials, 41, 247-264.
  69. Dixit, S. R., Das, S. R., & Dhupal, D. (2019). Parametric optimization of Nd: YAG laser microgrooving on aluminum oxide using integrated RSM-ANN-GA approach. Journal of Industrial Engineering International, 15, 333-349.
  70. Das, A., Tirkey, N., Patel, S. K., Das, S. R., & Biswal, B. B. (2019). A comparison of machinability in hard turning of EN-24 alloy steel under mist cooled and dry cutting environments with a coated cermet tool. Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, 19, 115-130.
  71. Das, A., Patel, S. K., & Das, S. R. (2019). Performance comparison of vegetable oil based nanofluids towards machinability improvement in hard turning of HSLA steel using minimum quantity lubrication. Mechanics & Industry, 20(5), 506.
  72. Anand, A., Behera, A. K., & Das, S. R. (2019). An overview on economic machining of hardened steels by hard turning and its process variables. Manufacturing Review, 6, 4.
  73. Panda, A., Das, S. R., Dhupal, D., & Davim, J. P. (2018). Hard turning of HSLA steel with coated ceramic tool based on evaluation of surface roughness, tool wear, chip morphology and economic analysis. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Research, 10(3/4), 113-141.
  74. Das, S. R., Panda, A., & Dhupal, D. (2018). Hard turning of AISI 4340 steel using coated carbide insert: Surface roughness, tool wear, chip morphology and cost estimation. Materials Today: Proceedings, 5(2), 6560-6569.
  75. DHUPAL, D., DIXIT, S. R., & DAS, S. R. (2018). Optimization of process parameters in laser microgrooving of alumina ceramic using genetic algorithm. UPB Sci. Bull., 80, 163-178.
  76. Panda, A., Das, S. R., & Dhupal, D. (2018). Experimental investigation, modelling and optimization in hard turning of high strength low alloy steel (AISI 4340). Matériaux & Techniques, 106(4), 404.
  77. Dhupal, D., Mohanty, S., Dixit, S. R., Das, S. R., & Nanda, B. K. (2018). Micromachining on Al-SiC based metal matrix composite using DPSS laser. Materials Today: Proceedings, 5(5), 11304-11318.
  78. Nanda, B. K., Dhupal, D., Buda, D., & Das, S. R. (2018). Abrasive jet drilling of alumina ceramic with pressurized-fluidized bed set-up. Materials Today: Proceedings, 5(5), 12570-12578.
  79. Dhupal, D., Naik, S., & Das, S. R. (2018). Modelling and optimization of Al–SiC MMC through EDM process using copper and brass electrodes. Materials Today: Proceedings, 5(5), 11295-11303.
  80. Panda, A., Das, S. R., & Dhupal, D. (2017). Surface roughness analysis for economical feasibility study of coated ceramic tool in hard turning operation. Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability, 1, 237-249.
  81. Das, S. R., Panda, A., & Dhupal, D. (2017). Experimental investigation of surface roughness, flank wear, chip morphology and cost estimation during machining of hardened AISI 4340 steel with coated carbide insert. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Modern Processes, 3, 1-14.
  82. Das, S. R., Kumar, A., & Dhupal, D. (2016). Experimental investigation on cutting force and surface roughness in machining of hardened AISI 52100 steel using cBN tool. International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials, 18(5-6), 501-521.
  83. Das, S. R., Dhupal, D., & Kumar, A. (2015). Study of surface roughness and flank wear in hard turning of AISI 4140 steel with coated ceramic inserts. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 29, 4329-4340.
  84. Das, S. R., Kumar, A., & Dhupal, D. (2015). Surface roughness analysis of hardened steel using TiN coated ceramic inserts. International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials, 17(1), 22-38.
  85. Das, S. R., Dhupal, D., & Kumar, A. (2015). Experimental investigation into machinability of hardened AISI 4140 steel using TiN coated ceramic tool. Measurement, 62, 108-126.

National Publications

  1. NIL

International Conferences

  1. D. Dhupal, S.R. Dixit, S. Pattanayak, R.R. Routray, A.K. Behura, S.R. Das, “Assessment, modelling and optimization during Nd:YAG laser microgrooving of titanium alloy”, International Conference on Future Learning Aspects of Mechanical Engineering (FLAME-2018), 3rd-5th October 2018, AMITY University, Noida.
  2. A. Panda, S.R. Das, A.K. Behera, D. Dhupal, “Optimization of surface roughness for economical feasibility of coated ceramic tool in hard turning using RSM-PSO approach”, National Convention of IIIE and International Conference on “Role of Industrial Engineering in Industry 4.0 Paradigm (ICIEIND 2018)” 27th-30th September 2018, Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar.
  3. S. Pradhan, R.K. Behera, B.K. Nanda, S.R. Das, D. Dhupal, “Drilling of K-60 Alumina Ceramic with Different Grades of Abrasives at Various Temperatures using Fluidized Bed-Hot Abrasive Jet Machining (FB-HAJM) Process”, International Conference on Advancements in Aeromechanical Materials for Manufacturing (ICAAMM 2018), 13th-14th July 2018, MLR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad.
  4. S.R. Das, “Analysis and optimization of surface roughness in hard turning with coated ceramic tool”, International Conference on Advances in Refrigeration & Energy Systems (ICARES -2018), 7th-8th April 2018, Poornima College of Engineering, Jaipur.
  5. J. Jena, A. Panda, A.K. Behera, P.C. Jena, S.R. Das, D. Dhupal, “Modelling and optimization of surface roughness in hard turning of AISI 4340 steel with coated ceramic tool”, International Conference on Energy, Materials and Information Technology, 23rd - 24th December 2017, Amity University, Ranchi.
  6. S.K. Sahu, S. Naik, S.R. Das, D. Dhupal, “Parametric Optimization of Surface Roughness and Overcut in Electric Discharge Machining of Al-SiC using Copper Electrode”, International Conference on Energy, Materials and Information Technology, 23rd - 24th December 2017, Amity University, Ranchi.
  7. S.R. Das, A. Panda, D. Dhupal, “An experimental investigation and optimization in hard turning of AISI 4340 steel with coated carbide tool”, International Conference on Production and Industrial Engineering (CPIE 2016), 19th - 21th December 2016, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar.
  8. K. Jain, S.R. Das, D. Kumar, “Modeling and optimization of shrinkage in plastic injection molding of polypropylene”, International Conference on Production and Industrial Engineering (CPIE 2016), 19th - 21th December 2016, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar.
  9. S.R. Das, D. Dhupal, and A. Kumar, “Modelling and optimization of surface roughness, machining force and flank wear in hard turning of AISI 4340 steel with coated carbide inserts: An experimental approach”, International Conference on Advances in Steel, Power and Construction Technology (ICASPCT 2016), 17th – 19th March 2016, Om Prakash Jindal University, Raigarh.
  10. P.C. Jena, S.R. Das, “A review on machinability of hardened steels with hard turning process: Parametric analysis”, International Conference on Sustainable Energy & Environment Vis-à-vis Advanced Materials (ENMAT-II)”, 4th-5th March 2016, Orissa Engineering College, Bhabaneswar.
  11. S.R. Das, D. Dhupal, A. Kumar, “Experimental Investigation on Cutting Force and Surface Roughness in Machining of Hardened AISI 52100 Steel Using CBN Tool”, All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2014), 12th –14th December 2014, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati.
  12. S.R. Das, D. Dhupal, A. Kumar, “Roughness Analysis of Hardened AISI 4340 Steel”, International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering (COPEN 2013)”, 13-15th December 2013, National Institute of Technology, Calicut.
  13. S.R. Das, A. Kumar, D. Dhupal, “Optimal Design Approach for Machining of Hardened AISI 4340 Steel using Coated Carbide Inserts”, International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICIE 2013), 20-22th November 2013, SardarVallabhbhaiNational Institute of Technology, Surat.
  14. S.R. Das, A. Kumar, D. Dhupal, K.C. Rath, ‘’Estimating the effect of machining parameters on surface roughness during machining of hardened EN24 steel using coated carbide inserts”, International Conference on Communication Control & Instrumentation (ICCCI 2013), 25th-27th October 2013, Gandhi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Gunupur.
  15. S R Das, A Kumar, D Dhupal, S K Mohapatra, “Optimization of Surface Roughness in Hard Turning of AISI 4340 Steel using Coated Carbide Inserts”, International Conference on Advancements in Computing Sciences, Information Techniques & Emerging E-Learning Technologies” (ACSITEET 2013),5th-7th October 2013, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
  16. S.R. Das, A. Kumar, D. Dhupal, “Optimal Design Approach for Machining of Hardened AISI 4340 Steel Using Coated Carbide Inserts”, International Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing and Operations Management (ISOM 2013)”, 26-28th June 2013, Mauritius.
  17. S.R. Das, S. Mohapatra, A. Kumar and D. Dhupal, “Estimating the Effect of Cutting Parameters on Tool Wear and Workpiece Surface Temperature in Turning of AISI D2 Steel”, International Conference on Extropianism Towards Convergence of Human Values and Technology (ICECHVT 2013), 18-19th January 2013, Ansal University, Gurgaon.
  18. S.R. Das, D. Dhupal, A. Kumar, “Surface roughness analyses of turned hardened AISI 4340 steel with coated carbide inserts”, All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2012), 14-16th December 2012, Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
  19. S.R. Das, R.K. Behera, D. Dhupal and A. Kumar, “Effect of Cutting Parameters on Tool Wear, Surface Roughness and Material Removal Rate During Dry Turning of EN-31 Steel”, International Conference on Innovation & Research in Technology for Sustainable Development (ICIRT 2012), 01-03rd November 2012, Om Prakash Jindal Institute of Technology, Raigarh.


  1. NIL
  1. Subhashree Naik, Soumyashree Sabat, Sudhansu Ranjan Das, Debabrata Dhupal, Bijoy Kumar Nanda (2021) Experimental Investigation, Parametric Optimization, and Cost Analysis in EDM of Aluminium-Silicon Carbide Metal Matrix Composite. In B. B. V. L. Deepak, D. R. K. Parhi, B. B. Biswal (eds) Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Innovative Product Design. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore Chapter 15, ISBN: 978-981-15-9852-4 Scopus
  2. Nanda B.K., Mishra A., Das S.R., Dhupal D. (2020) Fluidized Bed Hot Abrasive Jet Machining (FB-HAJM) of K-60 Alumina Ceramic. In: Shunmugam M., Kanthababu M. (eds) Advances in Unconventional Machining and Composites. Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering. Springer, Singapore Chapter 53, ISBN: 978-981-32-9470-7 Scopus
  3. Panda S.K., Das S.R., Dhupal D. (2020) Predictive Modeling and Optimization of Technological Response Parameters in Nd:YAG Laser Microgrooving of Titanium Alloy Using Combined RSM-PSO Approach. In: Vijayaraghavan L., Reddy K., Jameel Basha S. (eds) Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore, Chapter 17, ISBN: 978-981-32-9930-6 Scopus
  4. Swain A., Sahu S.K., Ekka A., Das S.R. (2020) Parametric Optimization of Nd:YAG Laser Microgrooving of Alumina Ceramic Using Integrated RSM-PSO Approach. In: Vijayaraghavan L., Reddy K., Jameel Basha S. (eds) Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore, Chapter 1, ISBN: 978-981-32-9930-6 Scopus
  5. Basanta Kumar Nanda, Ankan Mishra, Sudhansu Ranjan Das, D. Dhupal (2019) Fluidized Bed Hot Abrasive Jet Machining (FB-HAJM) of K-60 Alumina Ceramic. In: Shunmugam M.S., Kanthababu M. (eds) Advances in Interdisciplinary Engineering.Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering. Springer, Singapore, Chapter 53, ISBN: 978-981-329-470-7 Scopus
  6. Sudhansu Ranjan Das, “Machinability of Different Hardened Steels with Coated Ceramic Tool”, Scholars’ Press, ISBN: 978-613-8-91626-0,(2019).
  7. Dhupal D., Dixit S.R., Pattanayak S., Routray R.R., Behura A.K., Das S.R. (2019) Assessment, Modeling, and Optimization During Nd:YAG Laser Microgrooving of Titanium Alloy. In: Kumar M., Pandey R., Kumar V. (eds) Advances in Interdisciplinary Engineering. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore, Chapter 5, ISBN:978-981-13-6576-8 Scopus
  8. Panda A., Das S.R., Dhupal D. (2019) Statistical Analysis of Surface Roughness Using RSM in Hard Turning of AISI 4340 Steel with Ceramic Tool. In: Shanker K., Shankar R., Sindhwani R. (eds) Advances in Industrial and Production Engineering. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore, Chapter 3, ISBN:978-981-13-6411-2 Scopus
  9. Pankaj Charan Jena, Barsarani Pradhan, Sudhansu Ranjan Das, and D. Dhupal, (2019) Experimental Investigation on ECMM With Nimonic 75 Alloy for ProstheticComponent.In: Kaushik Kumar, J. Paulo Davim (eds.) Design, Development, and Optimization of Bio-Mechatronic Engineering Products. IGI Global, Chapter 6, ISBN: 9781522582359 Scopus
  10. Sudhansu Ranjan Das, Asutosh Panda, “Engineering Mechanics”, Airwalk Publications, ISBN: 978-9388084321,(2019).
  11. Sudhansu Ranjan Das, “Fluidized bed-hot abrasive jet machining (FB-HAJM) of alumina ceramic”, Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-659-79164-2,(2018).
  12. Sahu S.K., Naik S., Das S.R., Dhupal D. (2019) Parametric Optimization of Surface Roughness and Overcut in Electric Discharge Machining of Al-SiC Using Copper Electrode. In: Chattopadhyay J., Singh R., Prakash O. (eds) Renewable Energy and its Innovative Technologies. Springer, Singapore, Chapter 9,ISBN: 978-981-13-2116-0. Scopus
  13. Jena J., Panda A., Behera A.K., Jena P.C., Das S.R., Dhupal D. (2019) Modeling and Optimization of Surface Roughness in Hard Turning of AISI 4340 Steel with Coated Ceramic Tool. In: Chattopadhyay J., Singh R., Prakash O. (eds) Innovation in Materials Science and Engineering. Springer, Singapore, Chapter 15, ISBN:978-981-13-2116-0 Scopus
1. AICTE-NCCIP sponsored faculty development program on “Universal Human Values (UHV-Introductory)” from 19th to 21st July, 2024. 2. AICTE-NCCIP sponsored faculty development program on “Universal Human Values (UHV-Introductory)” from 15th to 17th December, 2023. 3. AICTE-NCCIP sponsored faculty development program on “Universal Human Values (UHV-Introductory)” from 8th to 10th September, 2023. 4. AICTE-AQIS sponsored Short Term Training Program on “Advance of Materials Design, Machining and Characterization (AMDMC-2020)” from 21st to 26th November 2020. 5. TEQIP-III sponsored faculty development program on “Advances in Materials & Machining Processes for Recent Industrial Applications (AMMPRIA 2020)” from 7th to 11th September, 2020. 6. AICTE-QIP sponsored short term course on “Recent Advances in Machining Processes (RAMP)” from 7th May to 12th May 2018.
Warden, Pulasthya Hall of Residence 14/04/2021 present
  • Member, Conducting Board, Department of Production Engineering 10-2-2020 Present
  • PIC, Training & Placement, Department of Production Engineering 10-04-2018 14-07-2019
  • Member, Board of Studies, Department of Production Engineering 12-02-2019 Present
  • Member, NAAC work, Department of Production Engineering 31-03-2018 Present
  • Member, NBA work, Department of Production Engineering 31-03-2018 Present
  • Member, IQAC, Department of Production Engineering 05-07-2018 Present
  • PIC, Metal Cutting Laboratory 20-09-2019 Present
  • M.Tech. (PG) Coordinator, Department of Production Engineering 18-04-2019 14-07-2019
  • B.Tech. (UG) Coordinator, Department of Production Engineering 15-07-2019 Present
  • Technical Invited Talks: 

    1.      Delivered as a Guest speaker in FDP on “Recent Trends in Digital Manufacturing and Industry 4.0: Challenges and Opportunities” during 11th – 16th December 2023 at Shreeyash College of Engineering & Technology, Aurangabad.

    2.      Delivered as a Guest speaker in FDP on “Recent Developments in Manufacturing Technology (RDMT-21)” during 16th – 20th November 2021 at ARKA JAIN University, Jharkhand.

    3.      Delivered as an expert speaker in weekly academic lecture (SOAWAL) on the topic entitled “Sustainability assessment & machinability study of austenitic steel under various cooling-lubrication strategies” on 2nd October 2021 at Siksha"O"Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar.

    4.      Delivered an expert talk in FDP on “Innovation in Mechanical and Automation Engineering: Issues, Challenges and Solutions (IMAE-2021)” during 21th – 25th June 2021 at Amity University, Jharkhand.

    5.      Delivered a Guest lecture entitled “Advanced Machining Operation” on 9th April 2021 at Amity University, Ranchi.

    6.      Delivered an expert talk in AICTE sponsored six days Online Short-Term Training Programme entitled “Advances in Materials and Machining (AMM-2020)” (Phase 2) on 27th January 2021 at Ajay Binay Institute of Technology, Cuttack.

    7.      Delivered an expert talk in AICTE sponsored six days Online Short-Term Training Programme entitled “Advances in Materials and Machining (AMM-2020)” (Phase 1) on 14th December January 2020 at Ajay Binay Institute of Technology, Cuttack.

    8.      Delivered an expert talk in TEQIP 3 sponsored Webinar entitled “Testing of IC Engines” on 12th November 2020 at Chaibasa Engineering College, Chaibasa, Jharkhand.

    9.      Delivered an expert talk in “Machining & machinability of hard to cut materials using new generation cooling/lubrication strategy” on 25th September 2020 at Shroff S. R. Rotary Institute of Chemical Technology, Vataria, Gujarat.

    10.  Delivered an expert talk in “Webinar on New Generation Cooling-Lubrication techniques in Hard Machining” on 6th August 2020 at Ramgarh Engineering College, Ramgarh, Jharkhand.

    11.  Delivered a talk as keynote speaker in “National Webinar on Machining of hard-to-cut materials using new generation cutting tools for production of automotive components” on 24th June 2020 at O.P. Jindal University, Raigarh, Chhattisgarh.

    12.  Delivered a talk as keynote speaker in “National Webinar on Machining and Machinability of Hard-to-Cut Materials Using New Generation Cooling/ Lubrication Startegy” on 4th June 2020 at GIET University, Gunupur, Odisha.

    13.  Delivered a talk as resource person in “SAE Webinar on Innovations and Future of Automobiles” during 21st -22nd May 2020 at Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad.

    14.  Delivered a lecture as resource person in TEQIP-III sponsored workshop on “Materials Development & Numerical Methods (MDNM-2020)” during 2nd - 6th March 2020 at Konark Institute of Science and Technology, Bhubaneswar.

    15.  Delivered a lecture as resource person in TEQIP-III Sponsored FDP on “Advances in Mechanical Engineering” (AME-2020) during 11th - 15th February 2020 at Synergy Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar.

    16.  Delivered a talk as keynote speaker in “International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing & Renewable Energy (ICAIMRE-2019)” during 25th–26th October 2019 at Gandhi Institute for Education and Technology, Bhubaneswar.

    17.  Delivered a lecture as a resource person in “Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp (EAC)” under DST-NIMAT, Govt. of India during 8th -10th April 2019 at Orissa Engineering College, Bhubaneswar.

    18.  Delivered a talk as keynote speaker in “National Conference on Recent Advances in Production Engineering & Engineering Design (RAPEED-2018)” during 27th – 28th December 2018 at Ajay Binay Institute of Technology, Cuttack.

    19.  Delivered an invited talk as an expert lecture in “International Conference on Advances in Refrigeration & Energy Systems (ICARES-2018)” during 7th April 2018 at Poornima College of Engineering, Jaipur.

    20.  Delivered a lecture as resource person in AICTE QIP short term course on “Materials, Manufacturing & Management (MMM-2018)” during 14th -26th May 2018 at Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla.

    21.  Delivered a lecture as resource person in AICTE QIP short term course on “Functional Engineering Material: Technology, Modeling and Analysis” during 25th June -07th July 2018 at Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla.

    22.  Delivered a lecture as resource person in AICTE QIP short term course on “Recent Advances in Machining Processes” during 7th -12th May 2018 at Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla.


    23.  Delivered an invited talk in “International Conference on Energy, Materials and Information Technology (ICEMIT-2017)” during, 23rd - 24th December 2017, Amity University, Ranchi.

    Papers reviewed in International Journals

    • Advances in Manufacturing
    • Iranian Journal of Science and Technology
    • International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
    • International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management
    • Tribology in Industry
    • Indian Journal of Science and Technology
    • Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences
    • Machining Science and Technology
    • Journal of Industrial Engineering International
    • International Journal of Automotiveand Mechanical Engineering
    • Journal of ManufacturingProcesses
    • Matériaux et Techniques
    • Process Integration & Optimization for Sustainability
    • SN Applied Sciences
    • Mechanics and Industry
    • Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering
    • Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Modern Processes
    • Silicon
    • Manufacturing Review
    • Experimental Techniques
    • International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing
    Present Address : 
    Department of Production Engineering, VSSUT, Burla, Sambalpur, Odisha, India, PIN:768018
      Permanent Address : 
    Block Square, Siriapur, Po- Pipli Dist.- Puri, Odisha-752104, India